Following on from The Apocalypso Quartet (2003), this 'quartet' of philosophical writings brings into one chronologically convenient volume the titles 'Radical Progress', 'Stairway to Judgement', 'A Perfect Resolution', and 'The Last Judgement', all of which are also independently available as free-standing titles in both e-book and paperback formats. Brought together, however, the continuity in John O'Loughlin's philosophical development at around this time becomes once again both more accessible and intelligible, enabling one to follow the evolution of his thought processes from book to book in what is one of a number of such literary 'quartets', in which a loosely aphoristic structure serves as the appropriate methodology underlining his mainly metaphysical approach to philosophy that is not, however, without discursive interest of a political or social or even ideological nature. – A Centretruths editorial.