All the items – call them essayistic aphorisms – in this collection of revised and reformatted weblogs were originally hosted at in blog format and succeed John O'Loughlin's other collections of weblogs both in date of composition (2009) and theoretical development, so that they might be regarded as the most advanced and conclusive project of its kind. In some instances, a fair amount of revision, including the incorporation of some additional material, has taken place, and the author is confident that this collection will bear out the claim to be revised and reformatted to an extent that warrants serious consideration as a book in itself, complete with a logically consistent structure and thematic bias that is nothing less than consummately metaphysical, or at any rate centred, truthfully, in the advancement of metaphysics at the expense of whatever is either contrary to or beneath metaphysics. It that respect, this is as definitive a statement of truth as one is likely to get from Mr O'Loughlin, who is confident that this title will resolve his long struggle, over several decades, to advance the cause of truth in relation to the centre through a succession of ‘centretruths’, about which he has written in some detail. - A Centretruths editorial.