Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


The Core of the Self

The Core of the Self Image

Continuing from where The Soul of Being (1998) left off, this further text in John O’Loughlin’s philosophical or, as he now prefers to think of it, superphilosophical (theosophical) journey – Opus 73 in an oeuvre of some 122 chronological texts - brings us, via twenty-three headed sections numbered afresh in each case, to the 'Core of the Self', the 'Holy Grail' of self-fulfilment which lies at journey's end as its heavenly reward. Although principally concerned, like the previous text, with the Self, this work does more justice to the totality of the Self, including, for virtually the first time, the id, which it analyses both in relation to the self as a whole and to modern society, with particular reference to the West. The id, however, is not the 'Holy Grail' of self-fulfilment for Mr O’Loughlin but, rather, the antithesis of the soul which needs to be guarded against and, if possible, transcended in favour of that path which truly leads to the 'Core of the Self'. Let the reader judge for himself as to the success of his journey and the sincerity of his conclusions! – A Centretruths editorial.

The Core of the Self

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