Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


The Dialectics of Civilization

The Dialectics of Civilization Image

This e-book project by John O’Loughlin proves like no other that the use of certain colloquial expressions can, if revaluated on a sufficiently comprehensive basis, with one or two original additions thrown-in for good measure, lead to startling insights, and enable one to deepen and/or broaden one's philosophy in such fashion that it ends-up doing greater justice to the truth (in both specific and comparative terms) than had been the case hitherto. Thus with this title the author has carried what was achieved in The Dialectics of Synthetic Attraction (2004) to a new and, one would suppose, altogether more definitively comprehensive level, a level which plots the development of civilization, in the broadest sense, from its alpha-most inception to its projected omega-most consummation, and does so with respect to both linear and axial perspectives which combine to permit of yet another fresh perspective that takes his theorizing to an all-time peak of dialectical insight, a worthy culmination to his philosophical quest! For in this work Mr O’Loughlin has achieved a well-nigh definitive insight into the distinctions between Space and Time which should leave one in no doubt as to the path that leads to Eternity and thus to a definitive resolution of life, the culmination not only of all civilization but, in a deeper sense, of what transcends civilization in truly post-historical terms. – A Centretruths editorial.

The Dialectics of Civilization

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