Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


The Dialectics of Synthetic Attraction

The Dialectics of Synthetic Attraction Image

As suggested by the title, this work continues John O’Loughlin’s investigation of the dialectical process in terms of successive stages of civilization from alpha to omega, and does so in considerably more detail than The Classless Solution (2004), not only correcting but expanding on certain of the theories put forward at the tail-end of that particular work, with a consequence that what was virtually embryonic there has come to something approaching full maturity here, even down to the way in which the outcome of the historical process is envisaged. For this work leaves nothing, so far as that is concerned, to be desired, and we can confidently say that Mr O’Loughlin has achieved here something approaching the summation of his life's work, bringing to a very confident conclusion matters that were first broached several years, if not decades, ago, but with nothing of the logical certainty and sophistication which has since ensued. It is even good to be reminded that his texts are cyclical in character, spiralling up towards an ever-more comprehensively exacting summit which brings to a centro-complexifying head things that, in the very nature of such matters, it was only possible to introduce in more general terms earlier on or, rather, lower down the work's inner structure. In that respect, what he has achieved here with regard to the interaction and interrelativity of psychological and physiological factors on either a female or a male basis, depending on the elemental context, surpasses, by far, whatever had been achieved before, and not only, one wagers, by Mr O’Loughlin himself! For this final working out of such psychological/physiological dualities puts everything in perspective, and it only remains for those who are capable of reading and appreciating his work - in all probability a tiny minority - to confirm him in the correctness of his vision and the accuracy of his truth, a truth which should endure for ever. – A Centretruths editorial.

The Dialectics of Synthetic Attraction

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