Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega Image

This work, divided into four evenly-structured parts of a numerically cyclical nature, takes a closer look at such age-old questions as to whether mind precedes matter or matter mind, and answers them in a way which, deferring to gender, does equal justice to both, as well as throws new light upon the theological distinction between 'the Father' and 'the Son', which amounted, for John O’Loughlin, to a complete rejection of his previous standpoint and a reappraisal of their respective standings on the basis of a logically incontrovertible insight such that he had been building towards all along, not least in relation to the dissimilar ratios and significances attaching to soma and psyche in accordance with gender. It is this work above all others that, when the contents of all four parts have been taken into account and their conclusions carefully analysed, will expose the humbug of conventional wisdom, and morally challenge all who would stand in the way of evolutionary progress and seek to undermine that very sharp distinction between right and wrong, honesty and cowardice, sincerity and hypocrisy, truth and lies. – A Centretruths editorial.

Alpha and Omega

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