Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


Veritas Philosophicus

Veritas Philosophicus Image

This text derives its Latin-sounding title from the use of 'V' structures in a majority of the diagrams which characterize it and which enabled John O’Loughlin to approach Truth, or in this case what he calls Veritas, from a more systematic and comprehensive standpoint, building on the 'T' structures common to both the Critique of Post-Dialectical Idealism (1989-91) and Philosophical Truth (1991-2) until he had amassed a considerable number of diagrammatic quadruplicities of the sort deriving from their Element-conditioned theories. Of real significance here is the modification of perspective which develops from the use of two different types of diagrammatic structure, the aforementioned ‘T’ and the ensuing ‘V’, and it is characteristic of Mr O’Loughlin’s methodology that the earlier perspective is either corrected or refuted, as we move into a more logically advanced structural mode. – A Centretruths editorial.

Veritas Philosophicus

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