Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


The Un-paralleled Logic of Om-niscience

The Un-paralleled Logic of Om-niscience Image

With this incredible book John O'Loughlin has brought his philosophy to irs logical culmination which, after fifty years of literary endeavour, is even more structurally-exacting than the previous titles of his not-inconsiderable philosopical oeuvre and, for that reason, it will only appeal to those who, knowing something of his prior achievements in the genre, have sufficient interest in philosophical profundities as to bear with what is, in effect, a kind of textbook of his logic that it would be impossible to simply read in the manner of a work of prose, having been constructed in a painstakingly methodical manner which, for reasons of logical consistency, owes as much to retroactive amendment as to actual proactive composition. Hence the punned nature of its title. – A Centretruths Editorial

The Un-paralleled Logic of Om-niscience

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