Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


Beyond Imagination

Beyond Imagination Image

This is another high-point in a long and winding philosophical career which has inexorably led John O’Loughlin, pilgrim-like, towards the 'celestial city' of heavenly truth and thus closer to the omega point of his oeuvre, wherein many subjects are explored afresh and one or two long-standing assumptions or presumptions summarily abandoned. Certainly the title was based on conclusions Mr O’Loughlin had reached about the religiously undesirable nature of imagery, imagination, images and other such appearance-based variations on a common metachemical theme from the standpoint of philosophical essence, which has less to do with a projection of will and/or spirit than with an injection, so to speak, of ego and/or soul. – A Centretruths editorial.

Beyond Imagination

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