Philosophy eBooks by John O'Loughlin of CDM


Judgemental Afterthoughts

Judgemental Afterthoughts Image

This volume of aphoristic philosophy brings to a 'judgemental' head a loose quartet of works by John O’Loughlin, beginning with The Free Testament of a Bound Genius, and has been subtitled 'As Testamentary Evidence of a Free Genius', since it rather departs from the terminological bounds set by the aforementioned work, not to mention the two intervening ones, Revelationary Afterthoughts and Revolutionary Afterthoughts, as it explores, in some detail, the use applicability of common slang and verb-noun expletives from a comprehensively exacting philosophical standpoint, with many interesting and novel conclusions, some of which might even contribute towards undermining the mindless alacrity with which certain persons go about denigrating others in carnally reductionist terms. Therefore Mr O’Loughlin has, in a sense, 'judged' such terms, however irrational their common usage, and, it seems, brought some logical sense to bear on them, thereby removing them from the pit of vulgar or obscene slang in which they tend, with unthinking people, to languish. But that is not all he has done in this highly demanding text; for the reader will soon discern that he has a gift for parables and metaphorical irony which should shed some light on recent history and the contemporary political scene most especially, thereby preparing the ground for progressive, radical change in the decades and centuries to come. Finally, John O’Loughlin has returned to one of his favourite subjects, which might be described as the ideological or ontological understanding of literature in respect of what he regards as its four principal branches, viz. drama, poetry, prose, and philosophy, and has, with the assistance of his customary elemental and axial theories (here brought to a veritable apotheosis), endeavoured to shed some light on their differences, in both gender and class terms, thereby indicating the path which leads not only to the understanding of literature in a deeper and wider sense but, hopefully, to its eventual overcoming on the most synthetically artificial basis, with especial reference to philosophy of the utmost truth-oriented order which, with him, attains to an all-time peak of metaphysical perfection which should suffice to expose the poetic half-truths and perhaps, indirectly, see off the dramatic lies and prosaic half-lies in the difficult but interesting times ahead. – A Centretruths editorial.

Judgemental Afterthoughts

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