All the essays in this collection of revised and reformatted weblogs were originally hosted by, and date from 2011. As usual John O'Loughlin has been careful to ensure that the original chronology of weblogs has been, so far as possible, replicated, so that one can proceed through the material with a growing sense of continuity and even thematic enhancement, two crucial advantages of e-scroll or e-book publication over what may often appear to be the disjunctive if not chronologically unrelated nature of blogging. Even so, he has usually tended to approach weblogs from a standpoint centred in his metaphysically-oriented philosophy of Social Transcendentalism and intended, as far as possible, to achieve some kind of thematic continuity in spite of the formal limitations of blogging, and we believe that, here as in previous such compilations, he has largely succeeded in producing a body of work that not only adds up but also seems quite inter-related and even cohesive, partly, we suspect, because few of his weblogs were ever written in situ but usually derive from prior notes which he was then able to copy-in and upgrade or 'beef up', preparatory to downloading them to a local file which would subsequently serve as the basis, following extensive revision, for a new e-scroll and/or e-book. Hopefully, this one is as good as if not better than each of the previous such texts, and it should go some way to putting the finishing touches to Mr O'Loughlin's overall philosophy and prove, moreover, that a man who claims to be superfluous within one kind of society may well prove indispensable to the formation of another. - A Centretruths editorial.