This fictional compilation, originally dating from 1982 but extensively revised in 2019, combines some sixteen short-prose pieces with subjects ranging from musical evolution to Christmas trees, Black Holes to Esperanto, and space travel to modern art. Of this number, our favourite is the title piece, a fantasy projection into a millennial future in which we enter the mind of a ‘superman’ who is preparing to undergo an 'acid trip', view life in what is called the 'post-human millennium' from a spiritual leader's standpoint as he grapples with his counselling responsibilities vis-à-vis the superhuman flock, and sample a controller's perspective on post-human life from the administrative sidelines. One could argue that this is Mr O’Loughlin’s Brave New World, but it was with a view to refuting Huxleyite cynicism that he set out to fashion so positive a futuristic projection. – A Centretruths Editorial