This varied collection of short prose, written on and off by John O’Loughlin during the winter of 1980-81, starts in a relatively literary fashion with the account of a clandestine visit of a masseuse to a priest who can no longer cope with his celibacy, and ends in a profoundly futuristic manner with an account of evolutionary progress towards a definitive Beyond, as envisaged by a radical philosopher. In between, comes a fairly balanced alternation between fictional and philosophical subjects ... as we follow the voyeuristic pleasures and musings of a man covertly watching his wife getting dressed from the twilight comfort of his early-morning bed; explore the evolutionary revelations of a de Chardinesque gnostic in the face of atheistic unbelief; witness the existentialist horror of a Mondrianesque ascetic whose rural daytrip out of London with some friends proves to be more unsettling than he had first bargained for; and go beyond conventional concepts of the Millennium, as of Millennialism, with a revolutionary thinker who believes that only when, in general terms, human brains become artificially supported and sustained to a transcendent end … will there be any prospect of heavenly salvation of a definitive order. Whew! – A Centretruths Editorial