1. The metachemical
axis of space-time, devolving from the photonic sensuality of spatial space to
the photonic sensibility of repetitive time, as from photons to photinos, the metachemical
elements and elementinos par
excellence, is not only that in which materialism predominates, in soma,
over fundamentalism, its psychic abstraction, in the most particle/least wavicle ratio of 3:1, making for a very negative overall
situation, but also that in which the will of absolute primal doing, being
paramount in infinite weakness, or ugliness, and the spirit of absolute primal
giving that issues, in infinite humility, or hatred, from this will together
constitute the corporeal concreteness of metachemically
free soma from whose power and glory flows, in ethereal abstraction, the bound
psyche characterized by the instinctualized
contentment of the absolute primal being of love on the one hand, that of the metachemical id, or metachemically
unconscious soul, and the spiritualized form of the absolute primal taking of
beauty on the other hand, that of the metachemical
superego, or metachemically superconscious
2. The chemical axis of volume-mass, devolving
from the electronic sensuality of volumetric volume to the electronic sensibility
of massed mass, as from electrons to electrinos, the
chemical elements and elememtinos par
excellence, is not only that in which realism predominates, in soma, over nonconformism, its psychic abstraction, in the more
(relative to most) particle/less (relative to least) wavicle
ratio of approximately 2½:1½, making for a pretty negative overall situation,
but also that in which the spirit of relative primal giving, being paramount in
finite hatred, or humility, and the will of relative primal doing that
precedes, in finite ugliness, or weakness, this spirit together constitute the
corporeal concreteness of chemically free soma from whose glory and power
flows, in ethereal abstraction, the bound psyche characterized by the
spiritualized form of the relative primal taking of strength on the one hand,
that of the chemical superego, or chemically superconscious
ego, and the instinctualized contentment of the
relative primal being of pride on the other hand, that of the chemical id, or
chemically unconscious soul.
3. The physical axis of mass-volume, evolving
from the neutronic if not deuteronic
sensuality of massive mass to the neutronic if not deuteronic sensibility of voluminous volume, as from
neutrons and/or deuterons to neutrinos and/or deuterinos,
the physical elements and elementinos par
excellence, is not only that in which humanism predominates or can predominate, in psyche,
over naturalism, its somatic abstraction, in the more (relative to most) wavicle/less (relative to least) particle ratio of
approximately 2½:1½, making for a pretty positive overall situation
(especially, one could argue, in relation to a sensibly deuteronic
bias), but also that in which the ego of relative supreme taking, being
paramount in finite truth, or knowledge, and the soul of relative supreme being
that accompanies, in finite joy, or pleasure, this ego together constitute the
ethereal concreteness of physically free psyche from whose form and contentment
flows, in corporeal abstraction, the bound soma characterized by the
intellectualized power of the relative supreme doing of ignorance on the one
hand, that of the physical will, or physically natural will, and the
emotionalized glory of the relative supreme giving of pain on the other hand,
that of the physical subspirit, or physically subnatural spirit.
4. The metaphysical axis of time-space, evolving
from the protonic sensuality of sequential time to
the protonic sensibility of spaced space, as from
protons to protinos, the metaphysical elements and elementinos par excellence, is not only that
in which transcendentalism predominates, in psyche, over idealism, its somatic
abstraction, in the most wavicle/least particle ratio
of 3:1, making for a very positive overall situation, but also that in which
the soul of absolute supreme being, being paramount in infinite pleasure, or
joy, and the ego of absolute supreme taking that precedes, in infinite
knowledge, or truth, this soul together constitute the ethereal concreteness of
metaphysically free psyche from whose contentment and form flows, in corporeal
abstraction, the bound soma characterized by the emotionalized glory of the
absolute supreme giving of woe on the one hand, that of the metaphysical subspirit, or metaphysically subnatural
spirit, and the intellectualized power of the absolute supreme doing of
illusory falsity on the other hand, that of the metaphysical will, or
metaphysically natural will.
5. Consequently, in overall female terms, metachemistry provides evidence of an elemental context
(fiery) in which absolute primal doing and giving precede and considerably
predominate over absolute primal being and taking, as metachemical
will and spirit over metachemical soul (id, or
unconscious soul) and ego (superego, or superconscious
ego), or ugliness and hatred over love and beauty, whereas chemistry provides
evidence of an elemental context (watery) in which relative primal giving and
doing precede and substantially predominate over relative primal taking and
being, as chemical spirit and will over chemical ego (superego, or superconscious ego) and soul (id, or unconscious soul), or
humility and weakness over strength and pride.
6. In overall male terms, by contrast, physics
provides evidence of an elemental context (vegetative) in which relative
supreme taking and being precede and substantially predominate over relative
supreme doing and giving, as physical ego and soul over physical will
(conscious or, rather, natural will) and spirit (subconscious or, rather, subnatural spirit), or knowledge and pleasure over ignorance
and pain, whereas metaphysics provides evidence of an elemental context (airy)
in which absolute supreme being and taking precede and considerably predominate
over absolute supreme giving and doing, as metaphysical soul and ego over
metaphysical spirit (subnatural spirit) and will
(natural will), or joy and truth over woe and falsity.
7. Just as metachemistry
is the elemental context of absolute primal doing par
excellence and chemistry the elemental context of relative primal giving par
excellence, so physics is the elemental context of relative supreme taking par
excellence and metaphysics the elemental context of absolute supreme being par excellence.
8. Absolute primal doing has reference to the
Devil conceived in primary terms as the will per se, whether with
regard to the sensual metachemical context of spatial
space, wherein one can speak of Devil-the-Evil-Mother, or with regard to the
sensible metachemical context of repetitive time,
wherein one can speak of Devil-the-Good-Mother.
9. Relative primal giving has reference to
Purgatory conceived in primary terms as spirit per se,
whether with regard to the sensual chemical context of volumetric volume,
wherein one can speak of the Clear Spirit of Purgatory, or with regard to the
sensible chemical context of massed mass, wherein one can speak of the Unclear
Spirit of Purgatory.
10. Relative supreme taking has reference to Man
conceived in primary terms as ego per se, whether with regard to
the sensual physical context of massive mass, wherein one can speak of
Man-the-Unwise-Father, or with regard to the sensible physical context of
voluminous volume, wherein one can speak of Man-the-Wise-Father.
11. Absolute supreme being
has reference to Heaven conceived in primary terms as soul per se,
whether with regard to the sensual metaphysical context of sequential time,
wherein one can speak of Heaven the Unholy Soul, or with regard to the sensible
metaphysical context of spaced space, wherein one can speak of
12. Metachemistry affords
evidence, in the corporeal objectivity of space-time devolution, of an
absolutely primal elemental context in which the ugliness of a primary devil
and the hatred of a primary hell considerably prevail over the love of a
secondary hell and the beauty of a secondary devil, whereas chemistry affords
evidence, in the corporeal objectivity of volume-mass devolution, of a
relatively primal elemental context in which the humility of a primary
purgatory and the weakness of a primary woman substantially prevail over the
strength of a secondary woman and the pride of a secondary purgatory.
13. Physics affords evidence, in the ethereal
subjectivity of mass-volume evolution, of a relatively supreme elemental
context in which the knowledge of a primary man and the pleasure of a primary
earth substantially prevail over the ignorance of a secondary man and the pain
of a secondary earth, whereas metaphysics affords evidence, in the ethereal
subjectivity of time-space evolution, of an absolutely supreme elemental context
in which the joy of a primary heaven and the truth of a primary god
considerably prevail over the woe of a secondary heaven and the falsity of a
secondary god.
14. Therefore, in overall terms, metachemistry is the elemental context of the will, and hence
of the Devil, par excellence; chemistry is the elemental context of the
spirit, and hence of purgatory, par excellence; physics is the elemental
context of the ego, and hence of man, par excellence; and metaphysics is
the elemental context of the soul, and hence of Heaven, par excellence.
15. The objective elements, being female, attest
to a somatic predominance due to a particle hegemony in both will and spirit,
the apparent and quantitative attributes of free soma, in which corporeal
primacy precedes ethereal primacy as the factually concrete precondition of a
fictionally abstract extrapolation.
16. The subjective elements, being male, attest to
a psychic predominance due to a wavicle hegemony in
both ego and soul, the qualitative and essential attributes of free psyche, in
which ethereal supremacy precedes corporeal supremacy as the truthfully
concrete precondition of an illusory abstract extrapolation.