1.   Female soma is the alpha and male psyche the omega of life, though there is also what could be called the omega-in-the-alpha of female psyche and the alpha-in-the-omega of male soma, since psyche is secondary to soma in females and soma, by contrast, secondary to psyche in males - the former attesting to the triumph, in Wilde's proverbial phrase, of matter over mind, the latter, discarding Wildean facetiousness, to the triumph of mind over matter.


2.   But when soma is free, psyche will be bound, or determined by somatic factors - in the case of females by the will and spirit of what makes in the one instance for instinctualized soul, viz. the id, and in the other instance for spiritualized ego, viz. the superego, neither of which are properly airy or vegetative but effectively transmuted by fire and water to such an extent that they become the accomplices, as omega-in-the-alpha, of free soma, of will and spirit, and never more so than in sensuality, where the female aspect of things is, of course, hegemonic in both upper- and lower-class contexts, viz. with respect to both metachemistry and chemistry, fire and water, eyes and tongue.


3.   When psyche is free, on the other hand, soma will be bound, or determined by psychic factors - in the case of males by the ego and soul of what makes in the one instance for intellectualized will, viz. the mind, and in the other instance for emotionalized spirit, viz. the subspirit, neither of which are properly fiery or watery but effectively transmuted by vegetation and air to such an extent that they become the accomplices, as alpha-in-the-omega, of free psyche, of ego and soul, and never more so than in sensibility, where the male aspect of things is, of course, hegemonic in both lower- and upper-class contexts, viz. with respect to both physics and metaphysics, vegetation and air, brain and lungs.


4.   Thus when soma is free, psyche will be bound, and even male psyche becomes subject to a quasi-binding as the soul is outflanked by the id of metachemical objectivity and the ego by the superego of chemical objectivity, thereby ceasing to condition soma in deterministic vein, but acquiescing in somatic freedom in secondary fashion to females.


5.   But when, by contrast, psyche is free, then soma will be bound, and even female soma becomes subject to a quasi-binding as the will is undermined by the mind of physical subjectivity and the spirit by the subspirit of metaphysical subjectivity, thereby ceasing to condition psyche in deterministic vein, but acquiescing in psychic freedom in secondary fashion to males.


6.   In general, one might say that the relationships of upper-class females and males are more characterized by either the id in sensuality or the subspirit in sensibility than by either the superego or the mind, whereas the relationships of lower-class females and males will be more characterized by either the superego in sensuality or the mind in sensibility, since metachemistry and metaphysics interpenetrate on the one level, and chemistry and physics on the other.


7.   Obviously whether females condition males or males their female counterparts will depend on the circumstances, not least of all in relation to the nature of the society in which males and females happen to live on any given class basis; but it can be said, quite categorically, that societies characterized by a hegemonic soma, whether cosmic or natural, most particle/least wavicle or more (relative to most) particle/less (relative to least) wavicle, will attest to a female dominion in which the negativity of free soma must prevail at the expense of free psyche, and precisely in relation to the undermined positivity of a bound psyche such that sets science and politics free to do and/or give in somatic deference to hegemonic female criteria.


8.   On the other hand, societies characterized by a hegemonic psyche, whether civilized or cultural, more (relative to most) wavicle/less (relative to least) particle or most wavicle/least particle, will attest to a male dominion in which the positivity of free psyche should prevail at the expense of free soma, and precisely in relation to the undermined negativity of a bound soma such that sets economics and religion free to take and/or be in psychic deference to hegemonic male criteria.


9.   Therefore the decision for societies is, if we allow a class distinction, effectively between science and religion or politics and economics; for if science is somatically free then religion will be psychically bound and in no position to be its true or, rather, joyful best, and if politics is somatically free then economics will be psychically bound and in no position to take its knowledgeable best, whereas if religion, by contrast, is psychically free than science will be somatically bound and in no position to do its ugly worst, and if economics is psychically free then politics will be somatically bound and in no position to give its weak or, rather, humbling worst. 


10.  For the distinction between free soma and free psyche, free science or politics on the one hand, and free economics or religion on the other hand, is nothing less than that between the negativity of the Devil or Woman and the positivity of Man or God, as between the Mother or Purgatory and the Father or Heaven, the Will or the Spirit and the Ego or the Soul, Power or Glory and Form or Content(ment), and such a distinction is very significant in determining the nature of societies and how they should be judged - judged, that is, in relation to the dichotomy between sensuality and sensibility, vice and virtue, immorality and morality, the darkness of soma and the light of psyche, the evil of free soma coupled to the folly of bound psyche or the wisdom of free psyche coupled to the goodness of bound soma, crime and sin on the one hand, or grace and punishment on the other.


11.  Life is certainly a gender tug-of-war, but if we are sensible we shall see the desirability of male hegemonies and do everything in our powers to maintain or advance them, so that economics and religion, and hopefully one day soon religion more than economics, will be uppermost in people's loyalties and the darkness of free soma officially consigned to the rubbish heap of antiquated history, where it can rot away in parallel to the Cosmos and Nature, to the free philistinism and barbarism of the Devil and Woman that is the enemy of civilized and cultural freedom, and thus of Man and God (the Cyborg).


12.  But Man is, if not the enemy of God, then certainly his chief rival for representation of the male side of things; for so long as Man sits knowledgeably on the throne of life there will be no place for God to sit truthfully on it in the interests of heavenly joy, and therefore no place for free religion so long as economics continues to remain paramount, and even to defer, paradoxically, to politics and science, as to the imposition of female glory and power.


13.  For Man, one is obliged to confess, is not quite convinced, in his more worldly manifestation, of the precedence of psyche over soma but continues to live the lie of soma over psyche in deference to female realities, especially in relation to a religious tradition in which the Son takes precedence - perhaps for that very reason - over the Father, like falsity over truth or, more pertinently to a physical mean, ignorance over knowledge.  Did not Christ himself ask what truth was?  For what can falsity know about truth, about the Father of a metaphysical ego, whether unwise in sensuality or wise in sensibility?  And what can ignorance know about knowledge, about the Father of a physical ego who is the actual fulcrum of the vegetative context of Man, meaning principally that christianly and bourgeois order of mankind which, appertaining to a largely suburban environment, fights shy of criteria more applicable to the city and to those who, whether strictly proletarian or not, are potentially cyborg, are in effect already beyond Man in their environmentally-conditioned yearning for something else, for something better and, like the city to the town, higher, such that would return life to the noumenal heights from which it fell with Nature, albeit on diametrically opposite terms to the Cosmos and its Devil-slavering somatic absolutism.


14.  It is not from Man but from that greater proportion of mankind who are literally or effectively urban that the will to the Beyond, to 'Kingdom Come', to the Cyborg, and to the overcoming of human limitations, including unrestrained economic freedom, emerges; for it is the will to  self-overcoming in joyful soul out of truthful ego, not of egocentric self-affirmation in knowledge which tends to subsume pleasurable soul into itself and to subordinate it, in keeping with the vegetative nature of physics, a nature that sinfully fights shy of the airy nature, or rather subnature, of metaphysics, wherein not form but contentment is the principal attribute. 


15.  Only when the urban majority come to vote - being in a position to vote paradoxically in deliverance from political sovereignty - for religious sovereignty, the sovereignty beyond the world of mundane freedoms, whether psychic or somatic, will there be any possibility of progress towards the sort of society described above, one in which godly criteria take precedence over any other, and the overcoming of Man in terms of the Cyborg can accordingly get properly under way, and the Cyborg become the chief representative of the male side of life for all eternity.


16.  For the Cyborg will be capable of an eternity that Man, in his twisted Son-affirming temporal nature, could only dream about, and then imperfectly.  Only the Cyborg can lead beyond the earth to the heavenly bliss of a paradise more artificial and synthetic than even Baudelaire ever imagined - a paradise not of this world, nor of anything which preceded it, but fashioned by progressive humanity in the interests of their deliverance from the death-in-life, not to mention life-in-death and eternal death, of the ungodly.