Where previously, as in my last book, The Fourfold Composition of Elements and Pseudo-Elements in Axial Perspective, I have spoken of subatomic elements, viz. photons, electrons, neutrons, and protons, together with their pseudo-subatomic pseudo-elemental counterparts, viz. pseudo-protons, pseudo-neutrons, pseudo-electrons, and pseudo-photons, I can now see a case for making a superelemental/subelemental distinction for the noumenal planes of space and time coupled to a pseudo-superelemental/pseudo-subelemental distinction for the pseudo-noumenal planes of pseudo-time and pseudo-space on the one hand, and an elemental/unelemental distinction for the phenomenal planes of volume and mass coupled to a pseudo-elemental/pseudo-unelemental distinction for the pseudo-phenomenal planes of pseudo-mass and pseudo-volume on the other hand.

1.  For it seems to me that any absolute distinction, on a 3:1 ratio basis, between metachemical supersensuousness and subconsciousness, corresponding to free soma and bound psyche, should be reflected in a like distinction between the metachemical superelemental and subelemental, as between representative photons and once-bovaryized electrons in the free soma of supersensuous metachemistry, and twice-bovaryized neutrons and thrice-bovaryized protons in the bound psyche of subconscious metachemistry, the former designation approximating to beauty and love, as to a representative will and a once-bovaryized spirit; the latter designation approximating, by contrast, to ugliness and hatred, as to a twice-bovaryized ego and a thrice-bovaryized soul.

2.  Likewise, if on contrary noumenal terms, any absolute distinction, on a 3:1 ratio basis, between metaphysical superconsciousness and subsensuousness, corresponding to free psyche and bound soma, should be reflected in a like distinction between the metaphysical superelemental and subelemental, as between representative protons and once-bovaryized neutrons in the free psyche of superconscious metaphysics, and twice-bovaryized electrons and thrice-bovaryized photons in the bound soma of subsensuous metaphysics, the former designation approximating to joy and truth, as to a representative soul and a once-bovaryized ego; the latter designation approximating, by contrast, to woe and illusion, as to a twice-bovaryized spirit and a thrice-bovaryized will.

3.  Dropping from the noumenal planes of space and time to the phenomenal planes of volume and mass, any relative distinction, on a 2½: 1½ ratio basis, between chemical sensuousness and unconsciousness, corresponding to free soma and bound psyche, should be reflected in a like distinction between the chemical elemental and unelemental, as between representative electrons and once-bovaryized photons in the free soma of sensuous chemistry, and twice-bovaryized protons and thrice-bovaryized neutrons in the bound psyche of unconscious chemistry, the former designation approximating to pride and strength, as to a representative spirit and a once-bovaryized will; the latter designation approximating, by contrast, to humility (if not humiliation) and weakness, as to a twice-bovaryized soul and a thrice-bovaryized ego.

4.  Similarly, if on contrary phenomenal terms, any relative distinction, on a 2½: 1½ ratio basis, between physical consciousness and unsensuousness, corresponding to free psyche and bound soma, should be reflected in a like distinction between the physical elemental and unelemental, as between representative neutrons and once-bovaryized protons in the free psyche of conscious physics, and twice-bovaryized photons and thrice-bovaryized electrons in the bound soma of unsensuous physics, the former designation approximating to knowledge and pleasure, as to a representative ego and a once-bovaryized soul; the latter designation approximating, by contrast, to ignorance and pain, as to a twice-bovaryized will and thrice-bovaryized spirit.

Now what applies to the above-mentioned atoms regarded in this subatomically variegated way would also apply to pseudo-atoms where, in keeping with their subordinate status, a distinction between pseudo-superelements and pseudo-subelements on the pseudo-noumenal planes of pseudo-time and pseudo-space, and one between pseudo-elements and pseudo-unelements on the pseudo-phenomenal planes of pseudo-mass and pseudo-volume should also be acknowledged, the better to understand the reverse ratio relationships between the hegemonic and subordinate pairings in any given atomic/pseudo-atomic context.

1.  Hence any pseudo-absolute distinction, on a 3:1 ratio basis, between pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-superconsciousness and pseudo-subsensuousness, corresponding to pseudo-bound psyche and pseudo-free soma, should be reflected in a like pseudo-distinction between the pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-superelemental and pseudo-subelemental, as between pseudo-representative pseudo-protons and once-bovaryized pseudo-neutrons in the pseudo-bound psyche of pseudo-superconscious pseudo-metaphysics, and twice-bovaryized pseudo-electrons and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-photons in the pseudo-free soma of pseudo-subsensuous pseudo-metaphysics, the former pseudo-designation approximating to pseudo-woe and pseudo-illusion, as to a pseudo-representative pseudo-soul and a once-bovaryized pseudo-ego; the latter pseudo-designation approximating, by contrast, to pseudo-joy and pseudo-truth, as to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-spirit and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-will.

2.  Likewise, if on contrary noumenal terms, any pseudo-absolute distinction, on a 3:1 ratio basis, between pseudo-metachemical pseudo-supersensuousness and pseudo-subconsciousness, corresponding to pseudo-bound soma and pseudo-free psyche, should be reflected in a like pseudo-distinction between the pseudo-metachemical pseudo-superelemental and pseudo-subelemental, as between pseudo-representative pseudo-photons and once-bovaryized pseudo-electrons in the pseudo-bound soma of pseudo-supersensuous pseudo-metachemistry, and twice-bovaryized pseudo-neutrons and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-protons in the pseudo-free psyche of pseudo-subconscious pseudo-metachemistry, the former pseudo-designation approximating to pseudo-ugliness and pseudo-hatred, as to a pseudo-representative pseudo-will and a once-bovaryized pseudo-spirit; the latter pseudo-designation approximating, by contrast, to pseudo-beauty and pseudo-love, as to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-ego and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-soul.

3.  Dropping from the pseudo-noumenal planes of pseudo-time and pseudo-space to the pseudo-phenomenal planes of pseudo-mass and pseudo-volume, any relative pseudo-distinction, on a 2½: 1½ ratio basis, between pseudo-physical pseudo-consciousness and pseudo-unsensuousness, corresponding to pseudo-bound psyche and pseudo-free soma, should be reflected in a like pseudo-distinction between the pseudo-physical pseudo-elemental and pseudo-unelemental, as between pseudo-representative pseudo-neutrons and once-bovaryized pseudo-protons in the pseudo-bound psyche of pseudo-conscious pseudo-physics, and twice-bovaryized photons and thrice-bovaryized electrons in the pseudo-free soma of pseudo-unsensuous pseudo-physics, the former pseudo-designation approximating to pseudo-ignorance and pseudo-pain, as to a pseudo-representative pseudo-ego and a once-bovaryized pseudo-soul; the latter pseudo-designation approximating, by contrast, to pseudo-knowledge and pseudo-pleasure, as to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-will and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-spirit.

4.  Similarly, if on contrary pseudo-phenomenal terms, any relative pseudo-distinction, on a 2½: 1½ ratio basis, between pseudo-chemical pseudo-sensuousness and pseudo-unconsciousness, corresponding to pseudo-bound soma and pseudo-free psyche, should be reflected in a like pseudo-distinction between the pseudo-chemical pseudo-elemental and pseudo-unelemental, as between pseudo-representative pseudo-electrons and once-bovaryized pseudo-photons in the pseudo-bound soma of pseudo-sensuous pseudo-chemistry, and twice-bovaryized pseudo-protons and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-neutrons in the pseudo-free psyche of pseudo-unconscious pseudo-chemistry, the former pseudo-designation approximating to pseudo-humility and pseudo-weakness, as to a pseudo-representative pseudo-spirit and a once-bovaryized pseudo-will; the latter pseudo-designation approximating, by contrast, to pseudo-pride and pseudo-strength, as to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-soul and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-ego.