1.  Considering each of the four principal atoms in turn, one can argue that metachemistry is comprised of a primary superelement, the representative photon, and a secondary superelement, the once-bovaryized electron, in its absolutely predominating (supersensuous) free soma, as well as a primary subelement, the twice-bovaryized neutron, and a secondary subelement, the thrice-bovaryized proton, in its absolutely postdominating (subconscious) bound psyche, the ratio of superelements to subelements in the noumenal objectivity of metachemistry being 3:1.

2.  In contrast to metachemistry, the atom of space (spatial), one can argue that metaphysics, the atom of time (repetitive), is comprised of a primary superelement, the representative proton, and a secondary superelement, the once-bovaryized neutron, in its absolutely preponderating (superconscious) free psyche, as well as a primary subelement, the twice-bovaryized electron, and a secondary subelement, the thrice-bovaryized photon, in its absolutely postponderating (subsensuous) bound soma, the ratio of superelements to subelements in the noumenal subjectivity of metaphysics being 3:1.

3.  Dropping from the noumenal to the phenomenal planes, one can argue that physics, the atom of mass (massive), is comprised of a primary element, the representative neutron, and a secondary element, the once-bovaryized proton, in its relatively preponderating (conscious) free psyche, as well as a primary unelement, the twice-bovaryized photon, and a secondary unelement, the thrice-bovaryized electron, in its relatively postponderating (unsensuous) bound soma, the ratio of elements to unelements in the phenomenal subjectivity of physics being 2½:1½.

4.  In contrast to physics, one can argue that chemistry, the atom of volume (volumetric) is comprised of a primary element, the representative electron, and a secondary element, the once-bovaryized photon, in its relatively predominating (sensuous) free soma, as well as a primary unelement, the twice-bovaryized proton, and a secondary unelement, the thrice-bovaryized neutron, in its relatively postdominating (unconscious) bound psyche, the ratio of elements to unelements in the phenomenal objectivity of chemistry being 2½:1½.

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1.  In terms of the pseudo-atoms (subordinate to the atoms), one can argue that pseudo-metaphysics, the pseudo-atom of pseudo-time (sequential), is comprised of a primary pseudo-superelement, the pseudo-representative pseudo-proton, and a secondary pseudo-superelement, the once-bovaryized pseudo-neutron, in its absolutely pseudo-preponderating (pseudo-superconscious) pseudo-bound psyche, as well as a primary pseudo-subelement, the twice-bovaryized pseudo-electron, and a secondary pseudo-subelement, the thrice-bovaryized pseudo-photon, in its absolutely postponderating (pseudo-subsensuous) pseudo-free soma, the ratio of pseudo-superelements to pseudo-subelements in the pseudo-noumenal pseudo-subjectivity of pseudo-metaphysics being 3:1.

2.  In contrast to pseudo-metaphysics, one can argue that pseudo-metachemistry, the pseudo-atom of pseudo-space (spaced), is comprised of a primary pseudo-superelement, the pseudo-representative pseudo-photon, and a secondary pseudo-superelement, the once-bovaryized pseudo-electron, in its absolutely pseudo-predominating (pseudo-supersensuous) pseudo-bound soma, as well as a primary pseudo-subelement, the twice-bovaryized pseudo-neutron, and secondary pseudo-subelement, the thrice-bovaryized pseudo-proton, in its absolutely pseudo-postdominating (pseudo-subconscious) pseudo-free psyche, the ratio of pseudo-superelements to pseudo-subelements in the pseudo-noumenal pseudo-objectivity of pseudo-metachemistry being 3:1.

3.  Dropping from the pseudo-noumenal to the pseudo-phenomenal planes, one can argue that pseudo-chemistry, the pseudo-atom of pseudo-volume (voluminous), is comprised of a primary pseudo-element, the pseudo-representative pseudo-electron, and a secondary pseudo-element, the once-bovaryized pseudo-photon, in its relatively pseudo-predominating (pseudo-sensuous) pseudo-bound soma, as well as a primary pseudo-unelement, the twice-bovaryized pseudo-proton, and a secondary pseudo-unelement, the thrice-bovaryized pseudo-neutron, in its relatively pseudo-postdominating (pseudo-unconscious) pseudo-free psyche, the ratio of pseudo-elements to pseudo-unelements in the pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-objectivity of pseudo-chemistry being 2½:1½.

4.  In contrast to pseudo-chemistry, one can argue that pseudo-physics, the pseudo-atom of pseudo-mass (massed), is comprised of a primary pseudo-element, the pseudo-representative pseudo-neutron, and a secondary pseudo-element, the once-bovaryized pseudo-proton, in its relatively pseudo-preponderating (pseudo-conscious) pseudo-bound psyche, as well as a primary pseudo-unelement, the twice-bovaryized pseudo-photon, and a secondary pseudo-unelement, the thrice-bovaryized pseudo-electron, in its relatively pseudo-postponderating (pseudo-unsensuous) pseudo-free soma, the ratio of pseudo-elements to pseudo-unelements in the pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-subjectivity of pseudo-physics being 2½:½.