1.  The subatomic components of an atom can be superelemental, subelemental, elemental, or unelemental, depending on whether the atom is noumenal (metachemical/metaphysical) or phenomenal (chemical/physical).

2.  If the former, then its subatomicity will be divisible between superelements and subelements. If the latter, then its subatomicity will be divisible between elements and unelements.

3.  Likewise, the pseudo-subatomic components of a pseudo-atom can be pseudo-superelemental, pseudo-subelemental, pseudo-elemental, or pseudo-unelemental, depending on whether the pseudo-atom is pseudo-noumenal (pseudo-metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical) or pseudo-phenomenal (pseudo-physical/pseudo-chemical).

4.  If the former, then its pseudo-subatomicity will be divisible between pseudo-superelements and pseudo-subelements. If the latter, then its pseudo-subatomicity will be divisible between pseudo-elements and pseudo-unelements.

Neither atoms nor pseudo-atoms are one-dimensional in terms of their underlying structures.

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1.  Just as that which, in metachemistry, is devilish in free soma can also be whorish in bound psyche, so what, in pseudo-metaphysics, is pseudo-godly in pseudo-bound psyche can also be pseudo-demonic in pseudo-free soma.

2.  Just as that which, in chemistry, is womanly in free soma can also be pseudo-whorish in pseudo-bound psyche, so what, in pseudo-physics, is pseudo-manly in pseudo-bound psyche can also be demonic in pseudo-free soma.

3.  Just as that which, in physics, is manly in free psyche can also be pseudo-saintly in bound soma, so what, in pseudo-chemistry, is pseudo-womanly in pseudo-bound soma can also be angelic in pseudo-free psyche.

4.  Just as that which, in metaphysics, is godly in free psyche can also be saintly in bound soma, so what, in pseudo-metachemistry, is pseudo-devilish in pseudo-bound soma can also be pseudo-angelic in pseudo-free psyche.

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1.  In overall female state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, with its northwest to southeast polarity, the devilish would be polar to the pseudo-womanly, as metachemical free soma to pseudo-chemical pseudo-bound soma, whereas the whorish would be polar to the angelic, as metachemical bound psyche to pseudo-chemical pseudo-free psyche.

2.  In overall male church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, with its northeast to southwest polarity, the godly would be polar to the pseudo-manly, as metaphysical free psyche to pseudo-physical pseudo-bound psyche, whereas the saintly would be polar to the demonic, as metaphysical bound soma to pseudo-physical pseudo-free soma.

3.  In overall male state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, with its northwest to southeast polarity, the pseudo-godly would be polar to the manly, as pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-bound psyche to physical free psyche, whereas the pseudo-demonic would be polar to the pseudo-saintly, as pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-free soma to physical bound soma.

4.  In overall female church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, with its northeast to southwest polarity, the pseudo-devilish would be polar to the womanly, as pseudo-metachemical pseudo-bound soma to chemical free soma, whereas the pseudo-angelic would be polar to the pseudo-whorish, as pseudo-metachemical pseudo-free psyche to chemical bound psyche.