1. Just as supersensuousness
is the privilege of superwoman, with her metachemical
free soma primarily exemplifying free will, so pseudo-superconsciousness
is the lot of pseudo-superman, with his pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-bound psyche
pseudo-primarily exemplifying pseudo-bound soul.
2. Just as sensuousness is the privilege of woman,
with her chemical free soma primarily exemplifying free spirit, so
pseudo-consciousness is the lot of pseudo-man, with his pseudo-physical
pseudo-bound psyche pseudo-primarily exemplifying pseudo-bound ego.
3. Just as consciousness is the privilege of man,
with his physical free psyche primarily exemplifying free ego, so
pseudo-sensuousness is the lot of pseudo-woman, with her pseudo-chemical
pseudo-bound soma pseudo-primarily exemplifying pseudo-bound spirit.
4. Just as superconsciousness
is the privilege of superman, with his metaphysical free psyche primarily
exemplifying free soul, so pseudo-supersensuousness
is the lot of pseudo-superwoman, with her pseudo-metachemical
pseudo-bound soma pseudo-primarily exemplifying pseudo-bound will.
* * * *
1. No less than supersensuousness
is the antithesis of superconsciousness, as superelemental metachemistry of superelemental metaphysics, so pseudo-superconsciousness
is the pseudo-antithesis of pseudo-supersensuousness,
as pseudo-superelemental pseudo-metaphysics of
pseudo-superelemental pseudo-metachemistry.
2. No less than subconsciousness
is the antithesis of subsensuousness, as subelemental metachemistry of subelemental metaphysics, so pseudo-subsensuousness
is the pseudo-antithesis of pseudo-subconsciousness,
as pseudo-subelemental pseudo-metaphysics of pseudo-subelemental pseudo-metachemistry.
3. No less than sensuousness is the antithesis of
consciousness, as elemental chemistry of elemental physics, so
pseudo-consciousness is the pseudo-antithesis of pseudo-sensuousness, as
pseudo-elemental pseudo-physics of pseudo-elemental pseudo-chemistry.
1. No less than unconsciousness is the antithesis
of unsensuousness, as unelemental
chemistry of unelemental physics, so pseudo-unsensuousness is the pseudo-antithesis of pseudo-unconsciousness,
as pseudo-unelemental pseudo-physics of pseudo-unelemental pseudo-chemistry.