Religion, which treats, when true, of the life and even wellbeing of the soul, is the principal means by which males defend themselves from the aggressive blandishments and carnal seductions of females whose capacity for energy/motion, or energy in motion through the utilization of willpower, can be Quasar-like in its centrifugal intensity, with predictably reproductive consequences that male gender-biased gravity/force alone is unable to prevent, regular recourse to male contraceptives notwithstanding. For, as noted above, the sexual interests of males and females are opposite, and you cannot as a male (or pseudo-male) expect to have it all your own way (pleasure) for ever, least of all vis-à-vis a creature who is programmed, by nature, to reproduce, and who – exceptions to the rule notwithstanding – would feel cheated if she were to be denied that prerogative, especially since menstruation cannot be wished away and requires, sooner or later, to be vindicated, quite apart from the desire of what is fundamentally vacuous, or rooted in a sexual vacuum, the womb, to acquire a surrogate plenum in the form of a child.

So there is this fundamentally autocratic requirement on the one hand, and some kind of theocratic opposition to it on the other hand which is bound, sooner or later, to react to the persistent action that requires to be placated. Even in what is phenomenally below the noumenal antithesis alluded to above, a democratic/plutocratic opposition is indicative, on relative terms, of the same kind of thing, namely an energy/motion objectivity which meets with a gravity/force subjectivity whose business is not to be swept away by the former but to confront and, if possible, constrain it.

Which is precisely what happens at the subatomic level when nuclear fission meets the challenge of gravity bearing down on it and thereby effectively precluding it from 'breaking out' and 'running amok', in a lethal discharge of raw power. Only the force of gravity can prevent this from transpiring, and you need this force in a world characterized by female domination and an apparently never-ending surge of energetic motion on both metachemical and chemical, wilful and spiritual levels, where every pseudo-metaphysical or pseudo-physical pseudo-male, egged on by the power and/or glory that dominates him from a hegemonic female vantage-point, would prefer to 'run amok' in an explosion of somatic freedom or, in his case, pseudo-somatic pseudo-freedom than 'fight the good fight' against it from a reactionary standpoint disposed not simply to the protection of law and order, important as that may be, but to the defence of civilization and, most especially, of what is culturally and morally best in it, even if this does require, on occasion, that culture and religion be renewed, if not resurrected, on an altogether more evolved basis than hitherto, in order that the relentless surge of barbarous and philistine energy that passes for revolution may be more effectively checked and even neutralized by the forces of cultural gravity.

In the Christian past, it took something as terrible as the Crucifix to bring a degree of gravity to bear on the motion-prone energetic masses. Hopefully, in the Superchristian future, so to speak, a less terrible symbol can be utilized for or, at any rate, towards the same purpose, so that gravity/force will have the upper hand over energy/motion, and the dragon-slaying saint will once again be in the ascendant on his 'high horse', a plane up in time over pseudo-space, in the ensuing relationship between a hegemonic metaphysics and a subordinate pseudo-metachemistry.