When we examine metaphysics more closely, as the atom with a protonic fulcrum and a once-bovaryized neutronic ego, which are the primary and secondary components of its superelemental aspect, but a twice-bovaryized electronic spirit and a thrice-bovaryized photonic will, which are the primary and secondary components of its subelemental aspect, reading from right to left in relation to both superconscious free psyche and subsensuous bound soma, we can equate its primary superelement, the protonic soul, with supergravity, and its secondary superelement, the once-bovaryized neutronic ego, with superforce, so that the gravity/force corollary is regarded as assuming a properly 'super' dimension commensurate with the superconscious.

Therefore God in Heaven, or God held in check by Heaven (rather like the candlelight-to-candleflame religious metaphor, with the latter holding the former in check) is not simply equivalent to force in gravity, or force held in check by gravity, but to superforce in supergravity, the supergravity that, like the candlelight accruing to candle-flame, holds superforce close to itself in the thin-lipped smile-like subjectivity of metaphysical psyche.

As for the primary and secondary components of the subelemental aspect of the metaphysical atom, the twice- and thrice-bovaryized electrons and photons of bound spirit and bound will respectively, it should be evident that a connection exists here with motion and energy, though only within the subsensuous context of bound soma, so that, as with the 'super' modification of gravity and force above (in free psyche), an appropriate approach to terminology would be to equate these with submotion and subenergy, since we have, here, not the most ratio (3) aspect of the metaphysical atom but, rather, its least ratio (1) aspect within the overall noumenal absolutism of metaphysics.

Now where supergravity and superforce would be equivalent, as noted above, to Heaven the Holy Soul and God the Father, submotion and subenergy would equate with the Holy Spirit of Heaven and the Son of God, both of which, unlike their superelemental counterparts, would accrue, in subsensuous subordination, to the 'dark side' of metaphysics, as that which, rather like the Crucifixion paradigm, is forever wisely bound to the freedom that gracefully reigns in the psychic brightness of superconsciousness.

1.  Consequently, where our four atoms are concerned, I can see no reason why metaphysics, divisible between superconscious and subsensuous, should not be regarded in terms of supergravity/superforce vis-à-vis submotion/subenergy, given its emotional fulcrum in the protonic soul, once-bovaryized neutronic ego, twice-bovaryized electronic spirit, and thrice-bovaryized photonic will, so that one reads from right to left in relation to both its primary and secondary superelemental components and its primary and secondary subelemental components, the former absolutely free (3) and the latter absolutely bound (1) in terms of the noumenal subjectivity of metaphysical free psyche and bound soma.

2.  Likewise, I see no reason why physics, divisible between conscious and unsensuous, should not be regarded in terms of force/gravity vis-à-vis unenergy/unmotion, given its intellectual fulcrum in the neutronic ego, once-bovaryized protonic soul, twice-bovaryized photonic will, and thrice-bovaryized electronic spirit, so that one reads, contrary to the above, from left to right in relation to both its primary and secondary elemental components and its primary and secondary unelemental components, the former relatively free (2½) and the latter relatively bound (1½) in terms of the phenomenal subjectivity of physical free psyche and bound soma.

3.  Similarly, if in (female) gender contrast to the above, I see no reason why chemistry, divisible between sensuous and unconscious, should not be regarded in terms of motion/energy vis-à-vis ungravity/unforce, given its instinctual fulcrum in the electronic spirit, once-bovaryized photonic will, twice-bovaryized protonic soul, and thrice-bovaryized neutronic ego, so that one reads, as with metaphysics, from right to left in relation to both its primary and secondary elemental components and its primary and secondary unelemental components, the former relatively free (2½) and the latter relatively bound (1½) in terms of the phenomenal objectivity of chemical free soma and bound psyche.

4.  Finally, I can see no reason why metachemistry, divisible between supersensuous and subconscious, should not be regarded in terms of superenergy/supermotion vis-à-vis subforce/subgravity, given its intentional fulcrum in the photonic will, once-bovaryized electronic spirit, twice-bovaryized neutronic ego, and thrice-bovaryized protonic soul, so that one reads, as with physics, from left to right in relation to both its primary and secondary superelemental components and its primary and secondary subelemental components, the former absolutely free (3) and the latter absolutely bound (1) in terms of the noumenal objectivity of metachemical free soma and bound psyche.

* * * *

1. Turning to the four pseudo-atoms, I can see no reason why pseudo-metaphysics, divisible between pseudo-superconscious and pseudo-subsensuous, should not be regarded in terms of pseudo-supergravity/pseudo-superforce vis-à-vis pseudo-submotion/pseudo-subenergy, given its pseudo-emotional fulcrum in the pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul, once-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego, twice-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit, and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will, so that one reads from right to left in relation to both its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-superelemental components and its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-subelemental components, the former absolutely pseudo-bound (3) and the latter absolutely pseudo-free (1) in terms of the pseudo-noumenal pseudo-subjectivity of pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-bound psyche and pseudo-free soma in pseudo-male gender subordination to the absolutely free-somatic/bound-psychic female hegemony of metachemistry.

2. Likewise, I see no reason why pseudo-physics, divisible between pseudo-conscious and pseudo-unsensuous, should not be regarded in terms of pseudo-force/pseudo-gravity vis-à-vis pseudo-unenergy/pseudo-unmotion, given its pseudo-intellectual fulcrum in the pseudo-neutronic ego, once-bovaryized pseudo-protonic soul, twice-bovaryized pseudo-photonic will, and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-electronic spirit, so that one reads, contrary to the above, from left to right in relation to both its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-elemental components and its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-unelemental components, the former relatively pseudo-bound (2½) and the latter relatively pseudo-free (1½) in terms of the pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-subjectivity of pseudo-physical pseudo-bound psyche and pseudo-free soma in pseudo-male gender subordination to the relatively free-somatic/bound-psychic female hegemony of chemistry

3. Similarly, if in (pseudo-female) gender contrast to the above, I see no reason why pseudo-chemistry, divisible between pseudo-sensuous and pseudo-unconscious, should not be regarded in terms of pseudo-motion/pseudo-energy vis-à-vis pseudo-ungravity/pseudo-unforce, given its pseudo-spiritual fulcrum in the pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit, once-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will, twice-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul, and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego, so that one reads, as with pseudo-metaphysics, from right to left in relation to both its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-elemental components and its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-unelemental components, the former relatively pseudo-bound (2½) and the latter relatively pseudo-free (1½) in terms of the pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-objectivity of pseudo-chemical pseudo-bound soma and pseudo-free psyche in pseudo-female gender subordination to the relatively free-psychic/bound-somatic male hegemony of physics.

4. Finally, I can see no reason why pseudo-metachemistry, divisible between pseudo-supersensuous and pseudo-subconscious, should not be regarded in terms of pseudo-superenergy/pseudo-supermotion vis-à-vis pseudo-subforce/pseudo-subgravity, given its pseudo-intentional fulcrum in the pseudo-photonic pseudo-will, once-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit, twice-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego, and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul, so that one reads, as with pseudo-physics, from left to right in relation to both its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-superelemental components and its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-subelemental components, the former absolutely pseudo-bound (3) and the latter absolutely pseudo-free (1) in terms of the pseudo-noumenal pseudo-objectivity of pseudo-metachemical pseudo-bound soma and pseudo-free psyche in pseudo-female gender subordination to the absolutely free-psychic/bound-somatic male hegemony of metaphysics.