When an atom reads from left to right, as with metachemistry and physics, it can be said to turn in a clockwise direction, whereas an atom reading, by contrast, from right to left, as in the case of metaphysics and chemistry, will tend to turn in a counter-clockwise direction.

Even pseudo-atoms can be regarded as turning in either a pseudo-clockwise direction, reading from left or, rather, pseudo-left to pseudo-right like pseudo-metachemistry and pseudo-physics, or in a pseudo-counterclockwise direction, reading from pseudo-right to pseudo-left like pseudo-metaphysics and pseudo-chemistry, thereby existing not only on subordinate terms with the atom to which they are paired but with an opposite direction of turning or, rather, pseudo-turning, whether pseudo-clockwise to counter-clockwise, like pseudo-metachemistry to metaphysics and pseudo-physics to chemistry, or pseudo-counterclockwise to clockwise, like pseudo-metaphysics to metachemistry and pseudo-chemistry to physics.

But axial polarity is only established between atoms that turn in the same direction, as from left to right in the case of the metachemical and physical poles of the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis, and from right to left in the case of the metaphysical and chemical poles of the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis, irrespective of the restricted contrary pseudo-turning of their pseudo-atomic subordinate counterparts.

1.  Since the metachemical atom is rooted in photonic will and has a once-bovaryized electronic spirit in its noumenal free soma, it reads from left to right in terms of its primary and secondary superelements, both of which, corresponding to what has already been described as superenergy and supermotion, are accompanied, in noumenal bound psyche, by the subforce and subgravity of its primary and secondary subelements which, also reading from left to right in clockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized neutronic ego and a thrice-bovaryized protonic soul.

2.  Since the chemical atom is rooted in electronic spirit and has a once-bovaryized photonic will in its phenomenal free soma, it reads from right to left in terms of its primary and secondary elements, both of which, corresponding to motion and energy, are accompanied, in phenomenal bound psyche, by the ungravity and unforce of its primary and secondary unelements which, also reading from right to left in counter-clockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized protonic soul and thrice-bovaryized neutronic ego.

1.  Since the physical atom is centred in neutronic ego and has a once-bovaryized protonic soul in its phenomenal free psyche, it reads from left to right in terms of its primary and secondary elements, both of which, corresponding to force and gravity, are accompanied, in phenomenal bound soma, by the unenergy and unmotion of its primary and secondary unelements which, also reading from left to right in clockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized photonic will and a thrice-bovaryized electronic spirit.

2.  Since the metaphysical atom is centred in protonic soul and has a once-bovaryized neutronic ego in its noumenal free psyche, it reads from right to left in terms of its primary and secondary superelements, both of which, corresponding to what has been termed supergravity and superforce, are accompanied, in noumenal bound soma, by the submotion and subenergy of its primary and secondary subelements which, also reading from right to left in counter-clockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized electronic spirit and a thrice-bovaryized photonic will.

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1.  Since the pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-atom is pseudo-centred in pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul and has a once-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego in its pseudo-noumenal pseudo-bound psyche, it reads from pseudo-right to pseudo-left in terms of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-superelements, both of which, corresponding to what has been termed pseudo-supergravity and pseudo-superforce, are accompanied, in pseudo-noumenal pseudo-free soma, by the pseudo-submotion and pseudo-subenergy of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-subelements which, also reading from pseudo-right to pseudo-left in pseudo-counterclockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will.

2.  Since the pseudo-physical pseudo-atom is pseudo-centred in pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego and has a once-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul in its pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-bound psyche, it reads from pseudo-left to pseudo-right in terms of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-elements, both of which, corresponding to pseudo-force and pseudo-gravity, are accompanied, in pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-free soma, by the pseudo-unenergy and pseudo-unmotion of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-unelements which, also reading from pseudo-left to pseudo-right in pseudo-clockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit.

3.  Since the pseudo-chemical pseudo-atom is pseudo-rooted in pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit and has a once-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will in its pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-bound soma, it reads from pseudo-right to pseudo-left in terms of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-elements, both of which, corresponding to pseudo-motion and pseudo-energy, are accompanied, in pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-free psyche, by the pseudo-ungravity and pseudo-unforce of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-unelements which, also reading from pseudo-right to pseudo-left in pseudo-counterclockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego.

4.  Since the pseudo-metachemical pseudo-atom is pseudo-rooted in pseudo-photonic pseudo-will and has a once-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit in its pseudo-noumenal pseudo-bound soma, it reads from pseudo-left to pseudo-right in terms of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-superelements, both of which, corresponding to what has already been described as pseudo-superenergy and pseudo-supermotion, are accompanied, in pseudo-noumenal pseudo-free psyche, by the pseudo-subforce and pseudo-subgravity of its pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-subelements which, also reading from pseudo-left to pseudo-right in pseudo-clockwise fashion, appertain to a twice-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul.