1.  The joy and truth of the primary and secondary superelemental aspects, in superconscious free psyche, of metaphysical grace contrast with the woe and illusion of the primary and secondary subelemental aspects, in subsensuous bound soma, of metaphysical wisdom in the overall righteousness, or noumenal subjectivity, of metaphysics.

2.  The knowledge and pleasure of the primary and secondary elemental aspects, in conscious free psyche, of physical pseudo-grace contrast with the ignorance and pain of the primary and secondary unelemental aspects, in unsensuous bound soma, of physical pseudo-wisdom in the overall pseudo-righteousness, or phenomenal subjectivity, of physics.

3.  The pride and strength of the primary and secondary elemental aspects, in sensuous free soma, of chemical pseudo-crime contrast with the humility and weakness of the primary and secondary unelemental aspects, in unconscious bound psyche, of chemical pseudo-evil in the overall pseudo-vanity, or phenomenal objectivity, of chemistry.

4.  The beauty and love of the primary and secondary superelemental aspects, in supersensuous free soma, of metachemical crime contrast with the ugliness and hatred of the primary and secondary subelemental aspects, in subconscious bound psyche, of metachemical evil in the overall vanity, or noumenal objectivity, of metachemistry.

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1.  The pseudo-woe and pseudo-illusion of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-superelemental aspects, in pseudo-superconscious pseudo-bound psyche, of pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-sin contrast with the pseudo-joy and pseudo-truth of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-subelemental aspects, in pseudo-subsensuous pseudo-free soma, of pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-folly in the overall pseudo-meekness, or pseudo-noumenal pseudo-subjectivity, of pseudo-metaphysics.

2.  The pseudo-ignorance and pseudo-pain of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-elemental aspects, in pseudo-conscious pseudo-bound psyche, of pseudo-physical sin contrast with the pseudo-knowledge and pseudo-pleasure of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-unelemental aspects, in pseudo-unsensuous pseudo-free soma, of pseudo-physical folly in the overall meekness, or pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-subjectivity, of pseudo-physics.

1.  The pseudo-humility and pseudo-weakness of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-elemental aspects, in pseudo-sensuous pseudo-bound soma, of pseudo-chemical punishment contrast with the pseudo-pride and pseudo-strength of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-unelemental aspects, in pseudo-unconscious pseudo-free psyche, of pseudo-chemical goodness in the overall justice, or pseudo-phenomenal pseudo-objectivity, of pseudo-chemistry.

2.  The pseudo-ugliness and pseudo-hatred of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-superelemental aspects, in pseudo-supersensuous pseudo-bound soma, of pseudo-metachemical pseudo-punishment contrast with the pseudo-beauty and pseudo-love of the pseudo-primary and pseudo-secondary pseudo-subelemental aspects, in pseudo-subconscious pseudo-free psyche, of pseudo-metachemical pseudo-goodness in the overall pseudo-justice, or pseudo-noumenal pseudo-objectivity, of pseudo-metachemistry.

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1.  The pseudo-meekness of pseudo-metaphysics is ever subordinate to the vanity of metachemistry, as pseudo-religion to science, pseudo-time to space, pseudo-soul to the will.

2.  The meekness of pseudo-physics is ever subordinate to the pseudo-vanity of chemistry, as pseudo-economics to politics, pseudo-mass to volume, pseudo-ego to the spirit.

3.  The justice of pseudo-chemistry is ever subordinate to the pseudo-righteousness of physics, as pseudo-politics to economics, pseudo-volume to mass, pseudo-spirit to the ego.

4.  The pseudo-justice of pseudo-metachemistry is ever subordinate to the righteousness of metaphysics, as pseudo-science to religion, pseudo-space to time, pseudo-will to the soul.

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1.  Strictly speaking, the female polarity of vanity to justice is primary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate and the male polarity of pseudo-meekness to pseudo-righteousness secondary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate.

2.  Likewise the male polarity of righteousness to meekness is primary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate and the female polarity of pseudo-justice to pseudo-vanity secondary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate.

3.  Just as there would be no pseudo-meekness without vanity, so, at the opposite poles, there could be no justice without pseudo-righteousness, even if justice may seem, on occasion, to take precedence over pseudo-righteousness on account of its being polar to vanity on overall primary (female) state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms.

4.  Just as there would be no pseudo-justice without righteousness, so, at the opposite poles, there could be no meekness without pseudo-vanity, even if meekness may appear, on occasion, to take precedence over pseudo-vanity on account of its being polar to righteousness on overall primary (male) church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms.