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Abstract Poems 


 Copyright © 2011 John O'Loughlin







01. Calmy soft the minus arises

02. Each dark to led in grip

03. Next love day against curious

04. Doctor out make night before

05. Wednesday speak off new fought

06. Saturday paused longitude dose

07. Sugar oath limits pig quick

08. Care took draft bare half look

09. Careful non gravy preen like

10. Face ten all with tent dog and

11. Beast free garden not sex alone

12. In passion thought carefully wide aloft

13. Squash pond soap towel month snot

14. Think nash vater mani sucre

15. Has wondering said does thinks

16. Blunt sip leaf to shade old nigh

17. Place pig people put prance pose

18. Well can no paper scope loath

19. You dog pig hip red jaw tea

20. In ash bone space window penalty

21. Ash coat drift bee fade

22. A be cot deer eagle fathom

23. House clean pause dream south

24. Apple bag coat broom arc cake

25. So be or if as do my it

26. Brave cot grave sot knave dot

27. Speak leak eke beak sneak

28. Meal feel deal feel seal peel

29. Cow be near window if ash

30. Sad full blink guarded safely

31. Because fulcrum lowly staff

32. Patch seem grow basks more alley

33. Word mouth ginger tell massif tiger

34. Feast fashion form frisk for fish

35. Only asks blue dope said when

36. May while compost hit knife friends

37. Pause wondered once green highroad

38. Air dot game wind scarf place

39. Admirably bark crust drew effort