In strictly gender terms, we can distinguish the will and the spirit of females from the ego and the soul of males, as one would distinguish heat and motion from force and light, or space and volume from mass and time, or beauty and strength from knowledge and truth, or love and pride from pleasure and joy, or protons and electrons from neutrons and photons, or elemental particles and molecular particles from molecular wavicles and elemental wavicles, or the absolute and relative concrete from the relative and absolute abstract, or superwomen and women from men and supermen, or squares and rectangles from ovals and circles, or science and politics from economics and religion, or materialism and naturalism from realism and idealism, or fundamentalism and pantheism from humanism and transcendentalism, or quickness and slowness from heaviness and lightness, or hotness and coldness from hardness and softness, or fire and water from vegetation (earth) and air, or hell and purgatory from the earth and heaven, or power and glory from form and contentment, or art and architecture from sculpture and music, or devil and woman from man and god, or metachemistry and chemistry from physics and metaphysics, or noumenal objectivity and phenomenal objectivity from phenomenal subjectivity and noumenal subjectivity, or history and literature from letters and theology, or drama and poetry from fiction and philosophy, or doing and giving from taking and being, or ... well, let's leave it there ... before I really get carried away and begin to address the subordinate gender (pseudo-gender) positions and/or equivalents along the lines of pseudo-space, pseudo-volume, pseudo-mass, and pseudo-time, with pseudo-space under time at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, pseudo-volume under mass at the southeast point of said compass, pseudo-mass under volume at the southwest point ..., and pseudo-time under space at the northwest point of the compass in question, which rather takes us back to the beginning with the rule of free will and the ungodly dominion of the superwoman over a kind of pseudo-superman.