Despite conventional appearances to the contrary, godliness is nothing special, since merely the outward show of Heaven, the face of Heaven, so to speak, which, as the fulcrum of metaphysics, as of anything metaphysical, is the joyful centre of all Being. Those who know what true religion is, i.e. a form of self-worship, don't go a whole lot on God, least of all when it, as a concept, has nothing whatsoever to do with metaphysics, let alone transcendentalism, but is either contrary to metaphysics in metachemistry or somehow intermediate between the two, like chemistry and physics which, being corporeal, are simply worldly alternatives in purgatory and the earth to anything either netherworldly, like metachemistry, or otherworldly, like metaphysics, which is what lies beyond 'the world' as opposed to what is behind, or anterior, to it, as in the context of netherworldly metachemistry, the hellish source and justification of all autocracy.

Whatever the case, whenever religion is false, like the cosmos-oriented metachemical variety, which can be associated, through Creator-esque beginnings (stellar), with materialism/fundamentalism, or half-false, like the woman-oriented chemical variety, which can be associated, through Marianism, with naturalism/pantheism, or half-true, like the man-oriented physical variety, which can be associated, through Christ with the 'Son of Man', that is, with realism/humanism, you have various kinds of idolatrous shortfalls from and/or antitheses to true religion and, hence, to Truth, which owes nothing to the Devil, woman, or man, but everything to God or, rather, to Heaven, the source of that godly effulgence, halo-like, which is the outer proof of the inner beingfulness of metaphysical soul, the soul per se which, in its transcendentalism, corresponds to what is superhuman (divine) in a supermasculine way, the noumenal, or ethereal, antithesis of anything superfeminine.

Therefore godliness, like heaven, is the prerogative of a certain type of higher male, let us say an idealistic male whose idealism is pledged to the service of transcendentalism, and has nothing whatsoever to do with anything else, whether lesser than or contrary to it.

Religion hijacked by science, politics, or economics is simply 'bovaryized' religion, and the sooner such religions are consigned, like 'the world', to the rubbish bin of history by true religion, the better!