That which subordinately parallels will and spirit in metachemistry and chemistry can be called pseudo-will and pseudo-spirit in pseudo-metaphysics and pseudo-physics respectively, pseudo-truth paralleling beauty in the one case and pseudo-pleasure paralleling pride in the other case.

The hegemonic gender positions in metachemistry and chemistry are, of course, female in power and glory, will and spirit, space and volume. The subordinate gender positions are, however, pseudo-male in pseudo-power and pseudo-glory, pseudo-will and pseudo-spirit, pseudo-time and pseudo-mass, with reverse ratio standings in soma and psyche to the hegemonic positions in the absolute and the relative, the noumenal and the phenomenal, the ethereal and the corporeal.

That which, by contrast, subordinately parallels ego and soul in physics and metaphysics can be called pseudo-ego and pseudo-soul in pseudo-chemistry and pseudo-metachemistry respectively, pseudo-strength paralleling knowledge in the one case and pseudo-love paralleling joy in the other case.

The hegemonic gender positions in physics and metaphysics are, of course, male in form and contentment, ego and soul, mass and time. The subordinate gender positions are, however, pseudo-female in pseudo-form and pseudo-contentment, pseudo-ego and pseudo-soul, pseudo-volume and pseudo-space, with reverse ratio standings in psyche and soma to the hegemonic positions in the relative and the absolute, the phenomenal and the noumenal, the corporeal and the ethereal.

Thus when, in the absolute, the hegemonic position, whether female or male, is 3:1, the subordinate position is 1:3, whether in terms of free soma vis-à-vis bound psyche or, conversely, of free psyche vis-à-vis bound soma.

And when, in the relative, the hegemonic position, whether male or female, is 2½:1½, the subordinate position is 1½:2½, whether in terms of free psyche vis-à-vis bound soma or, conversely, of free soma vis-à-vis bound psyche.

The subordinate gender positions, which correspond to pseudo-elements as opposed, like their hegemonic counterparts, to elements, will always be pseudo-free and pseudo-bound, whether in terms of soma and psyche (pseudo-metaphysics and pseudo-physics) or, conversely, in terms of psyche and soma (pseudo-chemistry and pseudo-metachemistry). This is because they are conditioned by the hegemonic gender positions whose soma and psyche, roughly corresponding to body and mind, are either free and bound (metachemistry and chemistry) or bound and free (physics and metaphysics), with devolutionary (female) and evolutionary (male) implications.

Conditioned by the hegemonic gender positions, the subordinate gender positions become effectively mirror images, on reverse ratio terms, to them, and are thus decidedly secondary as pseudo-elements vis-à-vis the primary nature and/or supreme nurture of the hegemonic positions, depending on the gender case.