Hammering workmen are akin to boxers, that is, they are a species of 'sons-of-bitches', or pseudo-physical pseudo-males (so-called 'alpha males') who are objectively jerked and/or sucked off by an effectively, if not literally, female hegemonic control which results in persistent pseudo-subjectivity, or pseudo-convergence, along the lines of a punch or, in the case of hammerers, a hammer blow. The hammerer and/or boxer with his fist raised, in salute, would be a contradiction in terms. He is not really free, despite pseudo-free somatic appearances to the contrary, but preponderantly psychically pseudo-bound, under female-hegemonic control, whether in metachemistry or, lower down, in chemistry. His sinfulness precludes free speech or, more correctly, free thought, that is, psychic freedom, which, in any case, he despises or, rather, opposes and belittles. It is for this reason that the intellectual should not court the worker, but rather strive to master and control him in the long-term interests of his deliverance from his lowly plight.