Papal infallibility may once have been useful for keeping autocratic monarchs in line, but these days, even though Catholicism is a Western anachronisms with universal pretensions, there would seem to be scant justification for it - at least in relation to monarchs, a majority of whom would be constitutional even in Catholic countries, never mind their Protestant counterparts in countries like Britain, whose apostate monarchic systems have mellowed over the course of time.

On the other hand, the concept of infallibility from a theological as opposed to politically pragmatic point of view is even less credible, in view of the fact that infallibility, if it is to mean anything, must surely mean infallible in relation to Truth, that is, incapable of error in relation to faith and morality, not to say doctrine.

But the Catholic Church manifestly falls short of Truth by dint of its adherence to Illusion, to the bound soma of metaphysics epitomized by the Crucifixional paradigm, at the expense of metaphysical free psyche, which has always been 'beyond the (catholic) pale' on account of its extrapolative nature from metachemical Creatorism and kind of straining on the leash via worldly relativity and an almost androgynous corporeality towards the furthest point from metachemistry, namely metaphysics, without being able to achieve, on such a basis, anything but a truncated metaphysics (bound soma) that is susceptible, for want of free psyche, to being 'done down' pseudo-metachemically, in terms of a 'sacred heart' parallelism, from fear that transcendental meditation could get out of the bag, as it were, of 'sacred lungs' to which metaphysical bound soma, including the Son-of-Godly Crucifixional paradigm and metaphor for bound will, would be entitled, but at the expense, necessarily, of the so-called Father (Creator), meaning, in effect, Devil the Mother hyped as God the Father as, historically, the 'best of a bad job' starting-point of monotheistic civilization in its Judaic roots and, subsequently, Christian extrapolative flowering, a situation that the Church could not condone, much less encourage, without putting its own existence as an alpha-stemming but somewhat limited omega-oriented phenomenon in grave jeopardy.

Where, then, is the basis for papal infallibility in a religion which is fundamentally false (metachemical) and only partially true (metaphysical) or, rather, less partially true (though knowledge-centred puritan Protestantism would qualify ably enough in this respect) than wholly illusory in relation to the Son-of-God order of truncated metaphysics?

I have long been against this Judeo-Christian tradition, as of all 'bovaryized' or fundamentally false religions, and I firmly believe that only Social Theocracy can claim to represent metaphysical truth and, hence, Truth per se. Therefore it should supplant, in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in countries with the right kind of axial preconditions (such as those that, like Eire, are mainly Catholic), all the old Creator-oriented religions as a matter of global and evolutionary necessity.

Papal infallibility is just one more anachronism in a plethora of both Western and Eastern anachronisms that could have no place in a more evolved society - one effectively commensurate with 'Kingdom Come' in which the People, having voted for religious sovereignty, conceived as the ultimate sovereignty, had rights commensurate with that sovereignty which it would be the duty of Social Theocracy to serve.

As things stand, papal infallibility remains an obstacle to that process, being in effect a kind of disguised authoritarianism more germane to an autocratic age. The Church, alas, is not right, but fundamentally wrong, and therefore just one more institution that will have to be democratically consigned to the rubbish bin of history in the interests of Truth and, hence, what has loosely been described as 'Kingdom Come'.

If this can happen, then democracy will not have been in vain; for democracy, like 'the world' of which it is a manifestation, is not an ideal but, rather, the degenerative substitution of secular culpability through political sovereignty for religious, i.e. sinful, culpability, whose republican socialist face turns away from Roman Catholicism even as it pertains to the foot of the same axis, but without the benefit of even the most meagre surrogate grace. Rather, does it suck up to metachemical licence for evil and crime, and thus to that which is contrary to church-hegemonic axial criteria and rooted, all too vaingloriously, in a worship of Beauty and a love of Power, even unto the Almighty, whether in traditional or more contemporary (Hollywood-esque) terms!