Where Ireland is concerned, if you talk or think revolution, you talk or think in religious terms, not in terms of more republicanism, which only renders the masses more vulnerable to state-hegemonic exploitation from the WASP powers like Britain and America, so that they end-up worshipping female dominion.

The only revolution that can have any relevance to Ireland, meaning the contemporary pro-WASPish Republic, with its dotted-line axial sell-out to state-hegemonic criteria, is one that institutes a new religion using the Republic's own methods, namely the democratic process, which is what I envisage for Social Theocracy in the not-too-distant future, in order that the Republic may be democratically superseded by the ultimate theocracy, one characterized by religious sovereignty in the People and the rights accruing to that sovereignty, which it would be the duty of Social Theocracy to serve ... for all Eternity.

Hence without the paradoxical utilization of the democratic process to a religiously sovereign end, there can be no meaningful, progressive change in Ireland, such that would lead away from both bankrupt republican socialism and quasi-WASPish deference to plutocracy, and thereby amount to the equivalent of the 'resurrection' of church-hegemonic criteria on terms commensurate, through Social Theocracy, with 'Kingdom Come'.