An average person's attention span is considered to be pretty short, as though due to some inherent defect or want of training when, in reality, it is more likely to be a consequence of other people's interference and/or their putting an obligation on one to interact with them in such fashion that the focus of attention is diverted into any number of contradictory and sometimes conflicting channels.

Average people are the product, by and large, of environmental factors over which they have little or no control.  Too many people in a comparatively small space and what do you get - chaos!  It is not their fault nor, for that matter, is it really the fault of the system.  People breed, multiply, and the system is hard-pressed to keep up with them, if ever it does.

The problems of overcrowding, overpopulation, etc., arise from breeding, and that in itself is largely, though not exclusively, determined by environment and the people in it.

Nature is a bitch and a bitch that strives, out of necessity, to reproduce itself by every means at its disposal, including, when beauty and love are insufficient, ugliness and hatred.  The only solution to a world dominated and in varying degrees debased by overcrowding in consequence of female dominion in populous areas or spaces is ... the development of a system which has the ability to defy nature and, eventually, triumph over her, thereby precluding the overpopulation that is a consequence of natural reproduction within populous environments.  Such a system must needs overcome man and the sort of men, in particular, who are nature's born slaves and reproductive perpetrators, looking upon women as a means to pleasure rather than as potential if not actual breeding animals whose fecundity, whilst it may serve their own reproductive needs and aspirations, only leads to more social and environmental problems which stretches the system to breaking point.

Meanwhile, the irresponsible reproductive proclivities of these people, male as well as female, can only lead to an ever-more overcrowded world in which attention spans are correlatively short.

There is no liberal solution to the problem of overcrowding and a burgeoning population that puts ever more strain on the existing system.  Liberalism, rather, is a symptom of the current social malaise, not a cure.  That, on the contrary, requires something much more radical, not to say drastic, than liberalism; namely the theocracy which, being social in its basis and transcendental in its aspirations, is commensurate with true religion and the establishment, in consequence, of religious truth.

Only that which goes against nature can save the people from nature, including, indirectly, from the supernature which rules over it via a type of nurture polar to itself which, though antithetical to the strictly natural, is indisposed to 'man overcoming' on account of its humanistic essence, never mind 'world overcoming' and an end to the bifurcated world as we know it, including, not least, its alternative systems of politics and economics which, being mundane, either fail to succeed or succeed only to fail, leaving either a desire for deliverance or the deliverance of desire.