What could be called the best of a bad job, if I may speak colloquially, is metachemistry and all things metachemical at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass, whose noumenal objectivity is commensurate with a vacuous beauty, whereas what could be called the best of a good job is metaphysics and all things metaphysical at the northeast point of the said compass, whose noumenal subjectivity is commensurate with a joyful plenum.

By contrast, what could be called the worst of a bad job is chemistry and all things chemical at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass, whose phenomenal objectivity is commensurate with a vacuous pride, whereas what could be called the worst of a good job is physics and all things physical at the southeast point of the said compass, whose phenomenal subjectivity is commensurate with a knowledgeable plenum.

However, where the subordinate gender positions a plane down from the hegemonic ones are concerned, one should, I guess, speak of pseudo-metaphysics under metachemistry as signifying the pseudo-best of a pseudo-good job in terms of its noumenal pseudo-subjectivity being commensurate with a pseudo-truthful pseudo-plenum that defers to metachemical beauty, in axial contrast to pseudo-metachemistry under metaphysics as signifying the pseudo-best of a pseudo-bad job in terms of its noumenal pseudo-objectivity being commensurate with a pseudo-loving pseudo-vacuum that defers to metaphysical joy.

Likewise, one could speak of pseudo-physics under chemistry as signifying the pseudo-worst of a pseudo-good job in terms of its phenomenal pseudo-subjectivity being commensurate with a pseudo-pleasurable pseudo-plenum that defers to chemical pride, in axial contrast to pseudo-chemistry under physics as signifying the pseudo-worst of a pseudo-bad job in terms of its phenomenal pseudo-objectivity being commensurate with a pseudo-strong pseudo-vacuum that defers to physical knowledge.

However you look at it, 'best' is commensurate with noumenal and 'worst' with phenomenal, so that we have an ethereal/corporeal, noble/plebeian distinction between what is best and/or pseudo-best, whether 'bad' (objective) or 'good' (subjective), 'pseudo-bad' (pseudo--objective) or 'pseudo-good' (pseudo-subjective), and what, by contrast, is worst and/or pseudo-worst, whether 'bad' (objective) or 'good' (subjective), 'pseudo-bad' (pseudo-objective) or 'pseudo-good' (pseudo-subjective).