The 'star' symbolizes, in its almost child-like spread limbs, free soma and is therefore contrary to the bound soma - or crucifixional paradigm - of the 'cross'.  But bound soma without the benefit of free psyche, especially in metaphysics, is not enough by itself, as history attests.  For if it had been, the Protestant revolt against Catholicism, culminating in the free soma which is such an integral part of the largely Protestant-derived secular societies which tend to characterize - and dominate - the world today, would probably not have succeeded as well as it did.

But, then again, if you go back to the roots of Western civilization in both its Catholic and Protestant manifestations, what do you find?  The cosmic (stellar) rule of free soma as epitomized by the free will of the 'Creator'.  No wonder there was always, not excepting the physical free psyche of Puritan intellectualism, a want of metaphysical free psyche in the Judeo-Christian tradition.  Nature continued, via women, to rule the roost in terms of free soma, even if its devolution from ecclesiastical to secular was a metachemical inevitability.

Even today, the term 'mental' is more usually used in a defamatory manner by those who take being 'physical' for granted, namely the great majority.  Such people, it has to be said, have more in common with 'stars' than with 'crosses'.