I have never been particularly partial to the London Underground, or of going anywhere in London by underground train, which, incidentally, I seldom if ever do. But I hadn't realized before now, whilst sitting in front of a painting of Piccadilly Circus and its underground steps in a north London café, what the London Underground signifies to me - namely, a kind of social democratic extrapolation from liberal democracy, as of proletarian humanism (sub-humanism) from the bourgeois variety, insofar as the Underground, coming off the street via flights of stairs that you can descend as into the jaws of hell, is the nadir of public transport, the nadir, one might say, of state-hegemonic axial criteria, stretching from northwest to southeast points of the intercardinal axial compass, so to speak, and therefore something completely at variance with the sort of axial criteria that I, as an Irishman of Catholic descent living in London (poor fool!) tend to relate to - namely the church-hegemonic variety stretching from the southwest to the northeast points of the said compass, which it would be my wish or intention to see 'stepped up', or 'resurrected', on more radically metaphysical terms, the terms, in a nutshell, of Social Theocracy, which would be completely independent of 'Cratorism' in back and therefore of the limitations accruing to an extrapolative 'straining on the leash', so to speak, that makes for a truncated metaphysics (bound soma) in the Crucifixional paradigm alluded to before.

Therefore as a self-professed Social Theocrat living in solitary exile in the British metropolis, it is no wonder that I find what I take to be a Social Democratic parallel, namely the London Underground rail system, unattractive and, indeed, downright repellent - as repellent, may I say, as homosexuality, which I also identify with a Social Democratic parallel, germane to the nadir of state-hegemonic axial criteria.

Since I have no time for such criteria, whether autocratic, so-called democratic (meaning plutocratic), or (in the neo-autocratic nadir) communistic, I make a point of avoiding the Underground, which to me is closer to being a social democratic nadir of public transport than to anything either bourgeois liberal or autocratically royalist.

Even standing in proximity to a square-topped bus stop, where, in London, there is a ringful red circle bisected by a horizontal bar inside the overall square design of the stop, is something I prefer to avoid, since that has always struck me as being tied-up with the ruling principle of state-hegemonic criteria, as though standing in a metachemical/pseudo-metaphysical relationship, approximately monarchic anglican in integrity, to anything physical/pseudo-chemical, that is to say, parliamentary puritan in character, like, presumably, most private cars and maybe even the mainline rail system.

Be that as it may, if standing in proximity to one of those square-topped London bus stops is bad enough from an Irish Catholic or, in my case, more radically Superchristian (Social Theocratic) point of view, what I find even worse is the eventual arrival of a red or predominantly red double-decker bus. For red has never been my favourite colour but, rather, one I would have no hesitation in identifying with all things hellish, including royalism, militarism, autocracy, materialism, fundamentalism, etc., quite apart from its proletarian association with the neo-autocracy of Communism, as of radical Social Democracy.

Rest assured that it is with the greatest reluctance that I step inside one of those red buses! It is certainly not something that I would go out of my way to do, any more than making a journey by underground train, since I am neither Social Democratic nor autocratic/plutocratic, but an Irishman of Roman Catholic descent unfortunate enough to have been brought up in Britain and to be still living in London, the capital of everything that I despise, including the four-square sequential time-keeping of Big Ben.

Funny, I haven't mentioned the congestion and crush of bodies going to and from work, nor the waiting, nor the ...