Before men and women
acquired a distinct social status with the development of atomic civilization -
the sexes balancing each other in a relationship sanctified and legalized by
marriage - they were submerged in a kind of pre-sexist society which, in
effect, rendered them Superwomen and quasi-Superwomen respectively - a pagan
society that culminated in the city states of the ancient Greeks and Romans, to
name but two representative pagan peoples.
In this society the sartorial norm for Superwomen was a long, ankle-length
dress or robe, while their inferior counterparts, the quasi-Superwomen, were
obliged to wear a short or, more correctly, less lengthy dress or robe, such as
accorded with their inferior social status.
The development of Christianity in the West changed all that,
though only very gradually, in line with the progress of civilization away from
nature towards more artificial attainments, so that, by the seventeenth
century, a sexist distinction between women on the one hand, and men on the
other ... had emerged to replace the old 'lesbian' pre-atomic unisexual society
with one partial to properly heterosexual atomic distinctions. Gradually women came to wear shorter
skirts/dresses, and men ... to dress exclusively in trousers, not in stockings
partly covered by a skirt-like tunic such as had prevailed throughout the
Middle Ages when, though nominally distinct from women, they continued to think
and behave more like quasi-Superwomen vis-à-vis Superwomen or, in relatively
more evolved terms, as submen vis-à-vis
With the twentieth century, however, a trend the converse of
the pre-atomic began to develop, in which women increasingly came to dress in
still shorter skirts/dresses, indicative of a more modest vaginal status, and
even to abandon them altogether for trousers of one description or another,
though never or rarely completely so. We
may equate this bourgeois/proletarian age with a transition between the atomic
and the post-atomic, Christian and transcendental criteria, in which liberated
females (subwomen) and free males (pseudo-supermen)
tend to be its chief representatives, particularly in the
However, if the twentieth century signified a transition to a
post-atomic transcendental age, we need not doubt that the twenty-first century
will witness the beginnings of an actual post-atomic civilization, absolute as
opposed to relative, and dedicated, in consequence, to transcending all sexist
dichotomies. Instead of subwomen and pseudo-Supermen, or liberated females and free
males, this transcendental civilization will encourage the emergence of a
relative distinction between quasi-Supermen and Supermen, as between what, in
earlier works, I have alternatively described as female and male Supermen - the
reformed proletarian females and the bona fide proletarian males
respectively, each category newly civilized.
Thus, whereas in bourgeois civilization an absolute distinction
existed between men and women, in the coming civilization both alike will have
been 'overcome' (to use a Nietzschean expression),
their evolutionary successors being unisexually
superhuman because appertaining to a post-atomic stage of civilization, a stage
leading to the ultimate overcoming of human beings in the first phase of the
post-Human Millennium, when relatively superhuman Transcendentalists will have
been superseded by the absolute Supermen who, as brain collectivizations
artificially supported and sustained, will be partial to a contemplation, via
synthetic hallucinogens like LSD, of the artificially-induced visions of their
new brains - given, in other words, to a kind of quasi-Supernaturalism
preceding the ultimate Supernaturalism of the hypermeditating
Superbeings who, as new-brain collectivizations,
will constitute the ultimate life form on earth ... prior to the elevation of
evolving life to total salvation in the post-Millennial Beyond, with the
attainment to transcendence, and consequent escape of electrons from the
remaining atomicity of individual new-brain collectivizations.
Returning to history, we have, then, the suggestion of two
sexual extremes either side of a heterosexual balance - the first, or
'lesbian', extreme signifying a pagan stage of human evolution, when men had
not really acquired a separate social identity from women but were equivalent
to quasi-Superwomen and/or submen; the second, or
'homosexual', extreme signifying a transcendental stage of human evolution,
when women have ceased to retain a separate social identity from men and become
quasi-Supermen in a post-sexist society.
In between, as already noted, a social balance, submen having in the meantime become men, to drag
Superwomen or, rather, pseudo-Superwomen down to an atomic level, as women,
beside themselves.
If any of this is true - and there seems to be no reason to
assume the contrary - how, one may well wonder, is one to explain 'homosexual'
behaviour among the ancients, for instance the Greeks and Romans, who
apparently lived in a lesbian age? And
how, by a similar token, does one explain the 'lesbian' activity which seems to
have developed among women as never before in what appears to be a homosexual
if not yet unisexual age? The situation
in each case appears to involve a paradox, to constitute an inexplicable
enigma, until we look a little closer into each age and come to realize that in
pre-atomic civilization men weren't really men but either quasi-Superwomen or submen, and therefore more disposed than later generations
of penis-wielders to regard one another in a quasi-feminine light.
Consequently, their seemingly homosexual behaviour acquires a
lesbian character which sets it apart from contemporary homosexual behaviour
among free men in an incipiently post-atomic society. One might describe it as quasi-lesbian, the
converse of latter-day seemingly lesbian behaviour among females which, on
account of the increasing masculinization of women
and their gradual elevation towards a post-atomic status, we can describe as
quasi-homosexual, involving either liberated females or their proletarian
Whereas the character of quasi-lesbian activity among
quasi-Superwomen in ancient civilization would have been reactive, in
accordance with their 'feminine' status in an overwhelmingly proton age, the
character of most contemporary quasi-homosexual activity between quasi-Supermen
or their near equivalents in contemporary civilization will be attractive, in
conformity with their 'masculine' status in an increasingly electron-biased
age. Such a paradoxical situation would
in each case parallel the genuine lesbian and homosexual behaviour appropriate
to each civilization, as well, of course, as co-exist with a degree of
heterosexual behaviour more suited, on the whole, to an atomic age than to
either of the civilized extremes.
I do not wish to leave the reader with the impression that the
future will be literally homosexual in the sense generally understood by that
term, as implying sexual contact between only males. Such a concrete sexuality appertains solely
to a bourgeois/proletarian stage of post-atomic civilization, is the
materialistic alternative to pornographic indulgence, which accords, by
contrast, with a spiritual predilection.
It is the pseudo-electron side of a relatively post-atomic civilization,
an objectively inferior form of sexual indulgence than the free-electron
equivalent ... of pornography.
No, the transcendental civilization will not encourage concrete
homosexual behaviour between Supermen, or its lesser equivalent in
quasi-homosexuality ('lesbianism') ... as affecting quasi-Supermen, the
reformed proletarian females. It will
encourage, on the contrary, a more absolute type of pornography, a type that,
utilizing computers, will be found to stem from the higher type of
petty-bourgeois magazine pornography, as involving a focus on the sex organ of
the participating models rather than, as with lower types of pornography, a
more diffused perspective which inevitably emphasizes female beauty, that bête
noir from any truth-oriented absolute standpoint. If such soft-core pornography may be equated
with Post-Painterly Abstraction, that quintessentially American form of
Abstract Impressionism, then the more vaginally exclusive hard-core pornography
can be regarded as being on the evolutionary level of the highest type of light
art, necessarily spiritualistic in design and content.
Thus, as spiritualistic light art is destined to be superseded
in an absolute civilization by abstract holography, we should have no qualms in
contending that relative hard-core pornography will likewise be superseded, in
that same civilization, by absolute hard-core pornography, in accordance with
the more transcendental criteria of a quintessentially unisexual stage of
civilized evolution. In all probability
quasi-Supermen would be more inclined to a male-based absolute pornography,
their bona
fide counterparts to the female variety.
Either way, the pornography, or erotica, in question would be beyond
both sublimated beauty-mongering, that sexual cynosure of soft-core
pornography, and the sexist relativity of relative hard-core pornography. It would be the ultimate pornography,
relevant to the final civilization in the historical evolution of man from
femininely superhuman beginnings to masculinely
superhuman endings via bourgeois humanism.