151.   For Heaven is the true end of life ... for males, specifically those with a metaphysically upper-class, or noumenally subjective, disposition.  But it can only be attained by rejecting life as we know it, which is characterized by time, and embracing the timeless universality of the Eternal, in which the self, the brain stem and spinal cord, will receive a synthetically artificial inducement to take and/or be, as God and Heaven attain to their most evolved manifestations progressively beyond humankind, nature, and the Cosmos, and accordingly become properly universal, which is to say, germane to the nurture of metaphysical sensibility at its most evolved, and therefore per se, level, a level in which the co-operative individualism of perfect self-harmony is at or near its playful peak and blissfully independent of anything that would undermine the salvation of the soul, be it egocentric in non-synthetic (analytic) artificiality (for which read: the competitive collectivism of physical nurture), spiritualistic in synthetic naturalness (for which read: the co-operative collectivism of chemical nature), or wilfully instinctual in non-synthetic (analytic) naturalness (for which read: the competitive individualism of metachemical nature).


152.   Verily, the dance of the soul is something worth crooning about!  For the soul is the one thing in life that is worth dying for, albeit the death must be to life as we know it, so that people do not continue to die naturally and to either pass away into nothingness like, one fancies, the majority of females, or be reborn into a limited eternity (which can be rudely interrupted in secular vein), but to live artificially, to live nurturally, so to speak, to a greater extent and in a superior way than would otherwise be the case, with an afterlife that is no less synthetically enhanced and truly worthy to be called eternal ... as something which, whilst it may or may not be a permanent condition, can be made to last for ever, as befitting God in Heaven, as metaphysical criteria increasingly prevail and all that can be made One with Heaven, no matter how gradual or complicated the process, is so made.  So may it be!



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)


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