51.  Of course, all the above pairings are very partial, in that they focus on the main, or principal, aspect of every context, not on all the aspects of each context treated individually. 


52.  Therefore although we can generalize in terms of doing for metachemistry, being for metaphysics, giving for chemistry, and taking for physics, not to mention in respect of their antimetachemical, antimetaphysical, antichemical, and antiphysical parallels, it nonetheless remains incontrovertibly evident that each Elemental context contains the full-gamut of options in respect of either will and spirit plus anti-ego and antisoul or, conversely, ego and soul plus antiwill and antispirit.


53.  Therefore where there is doing as a primary somatic aspect, there will also be giving as a primary somatic aspect and antitaking and antibeing as primary psychic aspects, as in metachemistry and chemistry, doing as the principal aspect of the one and giving as the principal aspect of the other.


54.  Conversely, where there is being as a primary psychic aspect there will also be taking as a primary psychic aspect and antidoing and antigiving as primary somatic aspects, as in metaphysics and physics, being as the principal aspect of the one and taking as the principal aspect of the other.


55.  This also applies on an overall secondary basis to the subordinate gender in any context, antimetaphysics being characterized in terms of secondary orders of antitaking and antibeing vis-à-vis the primary antitaking and antibeing of metachemistry, as well as secondary orders of doing and giving vis-à-vis the primary doing and giving of metachemistry, but antimetachemistry being characterized in terms of secondary orders of taking and being vis-à-vis the primary taking and being of metaphysics, as well as secondary orders of antidoing and antigiving vis-à-vis the primary antidoing and antigiving of metaphysics.


56.  Similarly, we may speak of antiphysics being characterized in terms of secondary orders of antitaking and antibeing vis-à-vis the primary antitaking and antibeing of chemistry, as well as secondary orders of doing and giving vis-à-vis the primary doing and giving of chemistry, but antichemistry being characterized in terms of secondary orders of taking and being vis-à-vis the primary taking and being of physics, as well as secondary orders of antidoing and antigiving vis-à-vis the primary antidoing and antigiving of physics.


57.  Therefore just as metachemistry has apparently to do with Devil the Mother in metachemical doing, it is also quantitatively about Hell the Clear Spirit in metachemical giving, as well as antiqualitatively about the Daughter of the Devil in metachemical antitaking and anti-essentially about the Clear Soul of Hell in metachemical antibeing, and is therefore divisible between ugliness, hatred, an ugly approach to illusion, and a hateful approach to woe, as between free soma in will and spirit, and bound psyche in ego or, rather, anti-ego and antisoul.


58.  Conversely just as metaphysics has essentially to do with Heaven the Holy Soul in metaphysical being, it is also qualitatively about God the Father in metaphysical taking, as well as antiquantitatively about the Holy Spirit of Heaven in metaphysical antigiving and anti-apparently about the Son of God in metaphysical antidoing, and is therefore divisible between joy, truth, a joyful approach to love, and a true approach to beauty, as between free psyche in soul and ego, and bound soma in spirit or, rather, antispirit and antiwill.


59.  Just as chemistry has quantitatively to do with Purgatory the Clear Spirit in chemical giving, it is also apparently about Woman the Mother in chemical doing, as well as anti-essentially about the Clear Soul of Purgatory in chemical antibeing and antiqualitatively about the Daughter of Woman in chemical antitaking, and is therefore divisible between humility, weakness, a humble approach to pain, and a weak approach to ignorance, as between free soma in spirit and will, and bound psyche in soul or, rather, antisoul and anti-ego.


60.  Conversely just as physics has qualitatively to do with Man the Father in physical taking, it is also essentially about Earth the Holy Soul in physical being, as well as anti-apparently about the Son of Man in physical antidoing and antiquantitatively about the Holy Spirit of Earth in physical antigiving, and is therefore divisible between knowledge, pleasure, a knowledgeable approach to strength, and a pleasurable approach to pride, as between free psyche in ego and soul, and bound soma in will or, rather, antiwill and antispirit.


61.  Now just as antimetachemistry has anti-apparently to do with Antidevil the Antimother in antimetachemical antidoing, it is also antiquantitatively about Antihell the Unclear Spirit in antimetachemical antigiving, as well as qualitatively about the Antidaughter of the Antidevil in antimetachemical taking and essentially about the Unclear Soul of Antihell in antimetachemical being, and is therefore divisible between beauty, love, a beautiful approach to truth, and a loving approach to joy, as between bound soma in will or, rather, antiwill and antispirit, and free psyche in ego and soul.


62.  Conversely, just as antimetaphysics has anti-essentially to do with Antiheaven the Unholy Soul in antimetaphysical antibeing, it is also antiqualitatively about Antigod the Antifather in antimetaphysical antitaking, as well as quantitatively about the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven in antimetaphysical giving and apparently about the Antison of Antigod in antimetaphysical doing, and is therefore divisible between woe, illusion, a woeful approach to hatred, and an illusory approach to ugliness, as between bound psyche in soul or, rather, antisoul and anti-ego, and free soma in spirit and will.


63.  Now just as antichemistry has antiquantitatively to do with Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit in antichemical antigiving, it is also anti-apparently about Antiwoman the Antimother in antichemical antidoing, as well as essentially about the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory in antichemical being and qualitatively about the Antidaughter of Antiwoman in antichemical taking, and is therefore divisible between pride, strength, a proud approach to pleasure, and a strong approach to knowledge, as between bound soma in spirit or, rather, antispirit and antiwill, and free psyche in soul and ego.


64.  Conversely, just as antiphysics has antiqualitatively to do with Antiman the Antifather in antiphysical antitaking, it is also anti-essentially about Anti-earth the Unholy Soul in antiphysical antibeing, as well as apparently about the Antison of Antiman in antiphysical doing and quantitatively about the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth in antiphysical giving, and is therefore divisible between ignorance, pain, an ignorant approach to weakness, and a painful approach to humility, as between bound psyche in ego or, rather, anti-ego and antisoul, and free soma in will and spirit.


65.  When we pair metachemistry and antimetaphysics, the former appertaining to spatial space and the latter to sequential time, we find the following: that while metachemistry has apparently to do with Devil the Mother in metachemical doing, it is also quantitatively about Hell the Clear Spirit in metachemical giving, as well as antiqualitatively about the Daughter of the Devil in metachemical antitaking and anti-essentially about the Clear Soul of Hell in metachemical antibeing, and is therefore divisible between ugliness, hatred, an ugly approach to illusion, and a hateful approach to woe, as between free soma in will and spirit, and bound psyche in ego or, rather, anti-ego and antisoul, in contrast to the absolute fact or, rather, illusion (falsehood) that whilst antimetaphysics has anti-essentially to do with Antiheaven the Unholy Soul in antimetaphysical antibeing, it is also antiqualitatively about Antigod the Antifather in antimetaphysical antitaking, as well as quantitatively about the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven in antimetaphysical giving and apparently about the Antison of Antigod in antimetaphysical doing, and is therefore divisible between woe, illusion, a woeful approach to hate, and an illusory approach to ugliness, as between bound psyche in soul or, rather, antisoul and anti-ego, and free soma in spirit and will.


66.  Therefore a pattern emerges in which the primary doing and giving of free metachemical soma condition the primary antitaking and antibeing of bound metachemical psyche, which in turn condition the secondary antitaking and antibeing of bound antimetaphysical psyche to acquiesce in the secondary doing and giving of free antimetaphysical soma, in such fashion that ugliness and hatred conditioning an ugly approach to illusion and a hateful approach to woe condition illusion and woe to acquiesce in an illusory approach to ugliness and a woeful approach to hatred in what transpires to be a vicious circle of absolute crime/evil and absolute folly/sin.


67.  When, on the other hand, we pair chemistry and antiphysics, the former appertaining to volumetric volume and the latter to massive mass, we find the following: that while chemistry has quantitatively to do with Purgatory the Clear Spirit in chemical giving, it is also apparently about Woman the Mother in chemical doing, as well as anti-essentially about the Clear Soul of Purgatory in chemical antibeing and antiqualitatively about the Daughter of Woman in chemical antitaking, and is therefore divisible between humility, weakness, a humble approach to pain, and a weak approach to ignorance, as between free soma in spirit and will, and bound psyche in soul or, rather, antisoul and anti-ego, in contrast to the relative fact or, rather, illusion (falsehood) that whilst antiphysics has antiqualitatively to do with Antiman the Antifather in antiphysical antitaking, it is also anti-essentially about Anti-earth the Unholy Soul in antiphysical antibeing, as well as apparently about the Antison of Antiman in antiphysical doing and quantitatively about the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth in antiphysical giving, and is therefore divisible between ignorance, pain, an ignorant approach to weakness, and a painful approach to humility, as between bound psyche in ego or, rather, anti-ego and antisoul, and free soma in will and spirit.


68.  Therefore a pattern emerges in which the primary doing and giving of free chemical soma condition the primary antitaking and antibeing of bound chemical psyche, which in turn condition the secondary antitaking and antibeing of bound antiphysical psyche to acquiesce in the secondary doing and giving of free antiphysical soma, in such fashion that weakness and humility conditioning a weak approach to ignorance and a humble approach to pain condition ignorance and pain to acquiesce in an ignorant approach to weakness and a painful approach to humility in what transpires to be a vicious circle of relative crime/evil and relative  folly/sin.


69.  When, by contrast, we pair physics and antichemistry, the former appertaining to voluminous volume and the latter to massed mass, we find the following: that while physics has qualitatively to do with Man the Father in physical taking, it is also essentially about Earth the Holy Soul in physical being, as well as anti-apparently about the Son of Man in physical antidoing and antiquantitatively about the Holy Spirit of Earth in physical antigiving, and is therefore divisible between knowledge, pleasure, a knowledgeable approach to strength, and a pleasurable approach to pride, as between free psyche in ego and soul, and bound soma in will or, rather, antiwill and antispirit, in contrast to the relative truth or, rather, fiction (as opposed to fact) that whilst antichemistry has antiquantitatively to do with Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit in antichemical antigiving, it is also anti-apparently about Antiwoman the Antimother in antichemical antidoing, as well as essentially about the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory in antichemical being and qualitatively about the Antidaughter of Antiwoman in antichemical taking, and is therefore divisible between pride, strength, a proud approach to pleasure, and a strong approach to knowledge, as between bound soma in spirit or, rather, antispirit and antiwill, and free psyche in soul and ego.


70.  Therefore a pattern emerges in which the primary taking and being of free physical psyche condition the primary antidoing and antigiving of bound physical soma, which in turn condition the secondary antidoing and antigiving of bound antichemical soma to acquiesce in the secondary taking and being of free antichemical psyche, in such fashion that knowledge and pleasure conditioning a knowledgeable approach to strength and a pleasurable approach to pride condition strength and pride to acquiesce in a strong approach to knowledge and a proud approach to pleasure in what transpires to be a virtuous circle of relative grace/wisdom and relative goodness/punishment.


71.  When, on the other hand, we pair metaphysics and antimetachemistry, the former appertaining to spaced space and the latter to repetitive time, we find the following: that while metaphysics has essentially to do with Heaven the Holy Soul in metaphysical being, it is also qualitatively about God the Father in metaphysical taking, as well as antiquantitatively about the Holy Spirit of Heaven in metaphysical antigiving and anti-apparently about the Son of God in metaphysical antidoing, and is therefore divisible between joy, truth, a joyful approach to love, and a true approach to beauty, as between free psyche in soul and ego, and bound soma in spirit or, rather, antispirit and antiwill, in contrast to the absolute truth or, rather, fiction (as opposed to fact) that whilst antimetachemistry has anti-apparently to do with Antidevil the Antimother in antimetachemical antidoing, it is also antiquantitatively about Antihell the Unclear Spirit in antimetachemical antigiving, as well as qualitatively about the Antidaughter of the Antidevil in antimetachemical taking and essentially about the Unclear Soul of Antihell in antimetachemical being, and is therefore divisible between beauty, love, a beautiful approach to truth, and a loving approach to joy, as between bound soma in will or, rather, antiwill and antispirit, and free psyche in ego and soul.


72.  Therefore a pattern emerges in which the primary taking and being of free metaphysical psyche condition the primary antidoing and antigiving of bound metaphysical soma, which in turn condition the secondary antidoing and antigiving of bound antimetachemical soma to acquiesce in the secondary taking and being of free antimetachemical psyche, in such fashion that truth and joy conditioning a truthful approach to beauty and a joyful approach to love condition beauty and love to acquiesce in a beautiful approach to truth and a loving approach to joy in what transpires to be a virtuous circle of absolute grace/wisdom and absolute  goodness/punishment.


73.  In the case of metachemistry and antimetaphysics, we find that while metachemistry has apparently to do with Devil the Mother in metachemical doing and quantitatively to do with Hell the Clear Spirit in metachemical giving, antimetaphysics is encouraged, under a metachemical hegemony, to emphasize the Antison of Antigod in antimetaphysical doing and the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven in antimetaphysical giving, neither of which somatic factors accord with the metaphysical actuality of psyche preceding and predominating over soma in the ratio of 3:1, or most wavicles/least particles, but rather paradoxically accrue to an emphasis on free soma at the expense of bound psyche in shadow metachemical vein.


74.  Consequently the upended reality of antimetaphysics is so contrary to the metaphysical mean that it would not be sustainable without metachemical pressure persisting from above, in spatial space over sequential time, which continues to oppress antimetaphysical psyche in the interests of somatic freedom of impression and to maintain a situation which, in metaphysical terms, can only lead to disillusionment with free soma and to a progressive return, in sensibility, to absolute psychic freedom, the divine right of metaphysics, as of metaphysical males, in respect of truth/joy.


75.  In the case of chemistry and antiphysics, we find that while chemistry has quantitatively to do with Purgatory the Clear Spirit in chemical giving and apparently to do with Woman the Mother in chemical doing, antiphysics is encouraged, under a chemical hegemony, to emphasize the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth in antiphysical giving and the Antison of Antiman in antiphysical doing, neither of which somatic factors accord with the physical actuality of psyche preceding and predominating over soma in the ratio of 2½:1½, or more (relative to most) wavicles/less (relative to least) particles, but rather paradoxically accrue to an emphasis on free soma at the expense of bound psyche in shadow chemical vein.