26.  Damned relatively are the bound in antiphysical soul (antisoul), for theirs is the pain of Anti-earth the Unholy Soul.


27.  Thus those who are vicious, cursed, immoral, and damned relatively are such on chemical and antiphysical terms, the former primary and female, the latter secondary and male, the former hegemonic in volumetric volume, the latter subordinate in massive mass.


28.  Vicious absolutely are the free in metachemical will, for theirs is the ugliness of Devil the Mother.


29.  Cursed absolutely are the free in metachemical spirit, for theirs is the hatred of Hell the Clear Spirit.


30.  Immoral absolutely are the bound in metachemical ego (anti-ego), for theirs is the ugly approach to illusion of the Daughter of the Devil.


31.  Damned absolutely are the bound in metachemical soul (antisoul), for theirs is the hateful approach to woe of the Clear Soul of Hell.


32.  Vicious absolutely are the free in antimetaphysical will, for theirs is the illusory approach to ugliness of the Antison of Antigod.


33.  Cursed absolutely are the free in antimetaphysical spirit, for theirs is the woeful approach to hatred of the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven.


34.  Immoral absolutely are the bound in antimetaphysical ego (anti-ego), for theirs is the illusion of Antigod the Antifather.


35.  Damned absolutely are the bound in antimetaphysical soul (antisoul), for theirs is the woe of Antiheaven the Unholy Soul.


36.  Thus those who are vicious, cursed, immoral, and damned absolutely are such on metachemical and antimetaphysical terms, the former primary and female, the latter secondary and male, the former hegemonic in spatial space, the latter subordinate in sequential time.


37.  The vicious and cursed in free soma contrast with the moral and saved in free psyche, as free will and spirit contrast with free ego and soul, and this whether in respect of metachemistry and chemistry in sensuality, or physics and metaphysics in sensibility.


38.  The only difference, other than class, between metachemistry and chemistry is that whereas the one is principally characterized by the viciousness of free will, the other is principally characterized by the cursedness of free spirit, neither of which is friendly towards free soul or ego.


39.  The only difference, other than class, between physics and metaphysics is that whereas the one is principally characterized by the morality of free ego, the other is principally characterized by the salvation of free soul, neither of which is friendly towards free spirit or will.


40.  Just as free will is the gender enemy of free soul, so free soul is the gender enemy of free will; for if will is to have its free way, then soul must be bound, just as will must be bound if soul is to freely prevail.


41.  Just as free spirit is the gender enemy of free ego, so free ego is the gender enemy of free spirit; for if spirit is to have its free way, then ego must be bound, just as spirit must be bound if ego is to freely prevail.


42.  Will and soul are effectively upper-class, or noumenal, actualities, as germane to metachemistry and metaphysics.


43.  Spirit and ego are effectively lower-class, or phenomenal, actualities, as germane to chemistry and physics.


44.  Thus metachemical doing and metaphysical being, the per se manifestations of doing and being, are as opposite as vicious free soma in the metachemical will of Devil the Mother and saved free psyche in the metaphysical soul of Heaven the Holy Soul - as opposite as noumenal actualities can get.


45.  Thus chemical giving and physical taking, the per se manifestations of giving and taking, are as opposite as cursed free soma in the chemical spirit of Purgatory the Clear Spirit and moral free psyche in the physical ego of Man the Father - as opposite as phenomenal actualities can get.


46.  No less than metachemical doing excludes, on a class and/or elemental basis, chemical giving (though not metachemical giving), so chemical giving excludes metachemical doing (though not chemical doing) on such a basis.


47.  No less than physical taking excludes, on a class and/or elemental basis, metaphysical being (though not physical being), so metaphysical being excludes physical taking (though not metaphysical taking) on such a basis.


48.  Therefore the metachemical and the chemical remain as distinct, on the female side of life, as the diabolic and the feminine, devils and women, or, as one could say in colloquial parlance, 'jerks' and 'cunts', the former of which are principally characterized, in 'frigging' vein, by doing, the latter, in 'fucking' vein, by giving.


49.  Therefore the physical and the metaphysical remain as distinct, on the male side of life, as the masculine and the divine, men and gods, or, as one could say in colloquial parlance, 'pricks' and 'bums', the former of which are principally characterized, in 'sodding' vein, by taking, the latter, in 'snogging' vein, by being.


50.  Speaking elementally, or in terms of the principal Elements, it is evident that the fieriness of 'jerks' has to be contrasted, in 'pus'-like vein, with the 'gaseous' airiness of 'bums', while, down below, the wateriness of 'cunts' has to be contrasted, in 'piss'-like vein, with the 'shitty' vegetativeness (earthiness) of 'pricks'.