



"Of course, the theocratic spectrum is more complex than I have hitherto let on," I said, turning to party comrades 7 and 22, as we awaited the moment to proceed along the tunnel and climb onto the vast rostrum that awaited me in the stadium tonight, "since there is a lacuna in it between autocratic Roman Catholicism and the inception of democratic Protestantism.  If it began in the former, then the emergence of the latter signified a subdivision of the spectrum, a kind of parallel development to it which, in countries where Protestantism caught on, pushed the Catholic spectrum into a subordinate position, even if, in the relativity of things within an atomic framework, it was permitted or able to continue.  So from approximately a late-stage grand-bourgeois age to an early-stage petty-bourgeois one, from the late-seventeenth to the early-twentieth century, Catholicism survived as the main, or absolute, manifestation of the theocratic spectrum, albeit in a subordinate capacity to this relative manifestation of theocracy which, as Protestantism, continued to dominate the age, being the ideological justification behind democracy."

     As both party comrades appeared to be engrossed in what I was saying, I continued, following a brief glance at my digital watch: "Thus if the main theocratic spectrum is imagined as beginning in blue, it became grey during the age of democratic hegemony, when the relative heresy of Protestantism dominated the West with its pink spectrum.  So the subdivision, running parallel to the main theocratic spectrum, is garishly dominant while the age of democracy holds sway.  But then, as if through Providential intervention, a new age suddenly erupts, what I have elsewhere called a late-stage petty-bourgeois age, and it is fundamentally hostile to democracy because more absolute in character, time having brought evolution closer to a proletarian age.  Now suddenly the main part of the top spectrum comes alive again with the emergence of Fascism, giving it a new look in a navy-blue/black combination, the antithetical equivalent to the royal blue, so to speak, of Roman Catholicism.  No matter if Fascism was eventually defeated by democracy, its emergence threatened the democratic status quo and it went on to defeat certain of the democracies during the high-point of its ascendancy.  At last, after centuries of subordinate status, the main part of the top spectrum had come to life again and, in the guise of Fascism, waged war with the middle spectrum, including the communist tail-end of it.  For even the heretical manifestation of the theocratic spectrum in pink Protestantism is subject to supersession, with the emergence of a late-stage petty-bourgeois age, by a red Marxist-Leninist part, the theology applicable to people's democracy, which extends this heretical spectrum towards absolute criteria while yet opposing its relative predecessor.  As surely as Catholicism led to Fascism, Protestantism led to Communism, whilst autocratic royalism continued to fade and wither into military dictatorships."

     I could tell, as I glanced at my watch anew, that these two comrades were all ears for such information, which was grist to their Social Transcendentalist mill.  One of them appeared to be on the point of speaking, but I cut any prospect of that out by adding: "Yet if Fascism leads, via Neo-Catholicism, to Social Transcendentalism, as germane to an absolute theocracy, then Communism most certainly doesn't lead to anything else, since it signifies the tail-end of that heretical spectrum in the furthermost reach of humanism, devoid of any concerns with an aspiration towards the Holy Spirit, Protestant materialism pushed to its ultimate conclusion in communist atheism.  Thus, on the middle spectrum, a shift from relative to absolute democracy, the inevitable outcome of the Christian notion of the equality of all souls, an attempt to establish a more equal society, with sovereignty alone vested in the proletariat, who are more equal to one another than the people of a relative democracy, divisible between bourgeois and proletarian elements.  Such is life on the tail-end of the middle spectrum, which owes its materialist integrity to the tail-end of the heretical subdivision of the theocratic spectrum in Communism, a necessarily false world religion, being but an expansion of the Protestant faith.  However, no such heresy prevails here, since we're most decidedly on the true part of the top spectrum, no longer as Catholics but as absolute theocrats, idealists with a Social Transcendentalist faith, and harbingers of the True World Religion.  Here political sovereignty is vested in the true Second Coming, who leads from above, dragging the masses after him, bringing them closer to divinity, inspiring them with his teachings, goading them toward higher things, always assisted by his trusted followers, who form an elite of faithful men, serving his Truth in order that the masses may be ennobled and improved in the course of time.  Only democrats serve the people.  They are the people's representatives, for the people are politically sovereign.  Here, however, party comrades serve me, as the embodiment of Truth, and I lead the people as sovereign, the antithesis to autocratic rulers, an aspiration towards the Holy Spirit, not a stemming from the Creator, a spiritual leadership as opposed to a sensual rule.  And those who serve me well will be rewarded!"

     Party comrades 7 and 22 smiled now, and I felt obliged to consult my digital watch again in order to ensure a prompt appearance at the appointed time.  I was in a speaking mood and eager to get out of this room and along the tunnel leading, via the processional stairs that would be flanked by rows of my uniformed followers, to the rostrum, from which I would calmly survey the seething mass of people in the stadium below, their heads bathed in the myriad neon lights which issued from the roofs of the surrounding stands, a veritable cathedral of light in which the whole stadium became an appropriate setting for such spiritual illumination as I would generously bestow upon the near-hypnotized multitude, whose hunger and thirst for spiritual nourishment.... To be sure, I had studied National Socialist precedent carefully and knew just what to do, in this receptive atmosphere, to renew and strengthen their faith! Already the music, processions, and banners would be having an effect, softening them up, lifting them beyond the narrow confines of their individual selves, making them drunk on the mass - the nearest approximation on earth to the indivisible unity of transcendent spirit, the goal of evolutionary striving.

     Yes, I loved the crowd and they loved it too, and loved their Leader and his closest followers and all the banners fluttering in the wind, the black abstract emblem of the Second Coming on a white ground, symbolic, in its Y-like abstraction, its inverted CND-like uprightness, not only of the Holy Spirit, but of Centrist trusteeship of the means of production for the development and spread of Truth.  Social Transcendentalism was by no means socialist, in terms of public ownership of the means of production, as relative to a democracy, though most especially a people's democracy, where the proletariat were sovereign and consequently owned the means of production through the State, the organized bureaucracy of the people.  Not the ownership of the means of production by the people for the people, but the ownership or, rather, trusteeship of those means by the Centre for the Truth, the development and spread of the True World Religion, which could only be to the lasting advantage of what was best in the people - namely their spirit.  Social Transcendentalism was certainly beyond Socialism, not a phenomenon of the middle spectrum, and therefore above criteria applying to democracy.  If it was social, or socialistic, it was in terms of the way it sought to treat people fairly, using such economic wealth as industry produced in the interests of evolutionary progress, which implied a decent standard of living for the people in order that they would be able to take their spiritual aspirations seriously.

     There could be no question, however, of Social Transcendentalism striving to serve the people for the sake of people's service, as if they were politically sovereign and should consequently be served on their own account, divorced from a truly religious perspective or objective.  On the contrary, Social Transcendentalism served the advancement of Truth, and that demanded that the people be led towards a better future, towards the penultimate heaven of the post-human millennium as a prelude to the ultimate heaven ... of the post-millennial Beyond.  Truth had no interest in the people for themselves, only in their spiritual potential.  For that alone pertained to the theocratic spectrum.  That alone would liberate them from the flesh!

     Suddenly a hand on my shoulder startled me out of my reflections and reminded me of the body.  I glanced down at my wrist and saw that it was time to move.  Party comrades 7 and 22 were on their feet and already heading towards the door that led through the tunnel into the stadium.  I smiled my appreciation of this fact, now that the moment had at last arrived, and led the way out of the room.