"You do find
yourself some strange friends, don't you?" Greta chuckled, as she ran a
playful hand over the back of Martin Thurber's neck and drew herself a little
closer to him on the settee.
"Talking all the time about evolution and God and the superconscious,
when we ought to have been enjoying ourselves over much lighter matters! One would have thought we were at a college
lecture rather than at a perfectly innocuous party!"
Thurber smiled in agreement and cast her an apologetic
glance. "Yes, Keith Logan is a
somewhat serious man," he conceded.
"Though I dare say that, had I known more about him before tonight,
I'd never have invited him along to
"Well, let's hope you don't live to regret it," Greta
commented, becoming a shade more serious.
"How d'you m-mean?" he stammered.
"Oh, through
"Yes, you needn't remind me!" exclaimed Thurber, who
then sighed and rested his head on the back of the settee, eyes staring up
imploringly, one would have thought, at the whitewashed ceiling. "But what could
"That's not for me to say, is it?" Greta rejoined,
removing her by-now inconvenienced hand from behind Thurber's neck and resting
it on his nearest shoulder instead.
"Though the most likely response would be to leave you out of the
guest list he draws up for any future party he may hold."
"I could quite live with that!" averred the art
critic with gusto.
"Maybe, but that's only the most likely response,"
said Greta. "There's always the
possibility, on the other hand, that he might do something worse.... Like
prohibiting you from contributing any further articles to his periodical out of
fear they would reflect
Thurber suddenly swallowed hard and sharply turned his head in
Greta's direction. "You’re
kidding!" he cried.
"I wish I were," she responded. "But where someone as temperamental as
Eddie Hurst is concerned, one can never be sure."
"It's a sobering thought," Thurber admitted, his head
still somewhat tipsy from the combined effects of little over ten glasses of
white wine.
"Well, as yet it's only a thought, so let's hope it
remains one," sighed Greta, before relapsing into silence.
For the past six months Martin Thurber had regularly
contributed to the arts magazine which Hurst edited, and throughout that time
he hadn't given so much as a single thought to what would happen to him or
where he would alternatively send his art reviews if the editor decided to
dispense with them. He had been so
confident that they would continue to meet with Hurst's approval that the
prospect of being left without a magazine to regularly contribute to ... seemed
no less remote than the prospect of being left without regular material to
contribute to it. Yet what if Hurst were to drop him? He mentally shuddered at the thought of
it! He wouldn't necessarily find another
quality magazine so willing to publish him - at least not immediately. Had it not been for the fact that he knew
Hurst's son at school and been acquainted with one or two of the magazine's
regular contributors, it's most unlikely that he would have got his reviews
accepted in the first place. Another
time he might not have such luck. But,
of course, it was only supposition on Greta's part, and he knew from experience
that her imagination tended to run off the rails - especially after she had
imbibed a few too many drinks!
"A curious thing actually, but I didn't see much of
"I shouldn't worry yourself," Greta advised him,
patting his nearest shoulder.
"After all, it isn't fair on the others that we should expect him
to be talking to us all the time, is it?"
"No, but ... well, did you get an opportunity to talk with
him again?" Thurber asked.
Greta shook her head.
"As a matter of fact I spent most of the remaining time in
conversation with Yvette Sanderson and Sheila Kells, plus a little time with
you," she revealed. "Frankly,
I'd had enough of his conversation before
"I expect it comes with practice," Thurber commented
"Yes, but really!" Greta exclaimed. "You might incline to believe he's an
imbecile when, in reality, he seems to be one of the most intelligent and
enlightened of men. And not unhandsome
either, if his large eyes, thin nose, and neat little mouth are anything to
judge by! I'm surprised he turned up
alone. Doesn't he have a wife or
girlfriend, then?"
With a gentle shrug of the shoulders, Thurber replied: "I
don't honestly know, though I shouldn't be surprised if he doesn't, what with
that air of saintliness about him. As
yet, I haven't inquired that deeply into his private affairs, partly from fear
of giving offence and partly because he hasn't given me any encouragement to,
but I'm under the impression that he's more accustomed to solitude than
company, at any rate." Indeed, had
he been completely honest with his girlfriend, Thurber would also have admitted
to being under the impression that she had taken a fancy to the novelist in
spite of her surface objections to much of what he said that evening. But because he didn't wish to offend her in
any way, least of all now that he was in her flat and had it in mind to ravish
her seductive body in due course, he contented himself with intimating,
instead, that Logan had taken a fancy to her, if only to gauge her responses.
"Oh, what makes you say that?" she asked, breaking
into an intrigued smile.
"Simply what he told me concerning the attractiveness of
the young lady he'd been standing near prior to
"How flattering!" Greta exclaimed. "I wouldn't have expected him to say
such a thing, especially as we didn't exactly see eye-to-eye during the greater
part of our conversation."
Thurber felt a trifle disconcerted by this all-too-evident
admission, but he could tell, all the same, that Greta was secretly
gratified. "Well, the fact of your
mental differences evidently didn't preclude him from appreciating your
physical ones," he facetiously declared, lying through his teeth.
"And when, exactly, did he reveal his impression of me to
you, if that's not an impertinent question?" Greta wanted to know.
Slightly disconcerted by the necessity of improvising yet
another lie on the spur-of-the-moment, Thurber said: "Whilst you were
having your glass refilled and I was about to introduce him to someone
"Oh, I see."
Greta emitted a faint laugh and drew her legs up closer to him. "Well, I suppose I am attractive, aren't
I?" she remarked.
"Naturally," he admitted, placing a deferential hand
on her nearest knee. "Even in
dark-blue stockings and a light-grey skirt."
"Perhaps more so where men like Logan are concerned?"
she conjectured ironically.
This time it was Thurber's turn to laugh. "Yes, that could be true," he
agreed. "Such an appearance would
doubtless appeal to his serious-mindedness." He rubbed his hand gently backwards and
forwards across that part of her thigh just above the knee, and then softly
asked what she was wearing underneath her skirt?
"See for yourself," she blandly advised him, smiling.
He lifted up the rim of her skirt and shyly peered
underneath. "Hmm, a short pink slip
and ..." he deliberated a moment, lifted up the slip and peered underneath
that too, "... oh, complementary colours!
What taste! What
discernment! A prim exterior and a
naughty, seductive interior! One of your
favourite ploys!"
"And one that you well-nigh insist on!" she reminded
"Yes, prude and whore in one," Thurber
confirmed. "What could be more
alluring? Outside - the perfectly
respectable, responsible, and admirable social lady. Inside or, rather, underneath - the ... well
"Not exactly the converse of all that," he remarked,
teetering on the brink of shame, "but certainly something approximating to
"Martin!" She
playfully slapped his wandering hand.
"The shameless seducer and arch-sensualist whose sexy
undies make it perfectly clear that the lady in question has a private life
and, at times, a rather active one, too!" he exclaimed smilingly.
"Only because you make it so, you dirty brute!" she
retorted, pouting sensuously.
"I wish I could believe you," he laughed. "But when you dress like this ..."
again he lifted up the rim of her skirt "... well, who's to say to what
extent I'm responsible for my behaviour?"
"Anyone would think you were an old-fashioned
behaviourist!" Greta objected.
Thurber smiled and said: "Well, you're my stimulus, my
motivation, as Schopenhauer would say, and when I tell you to sport an arse, I
do so in response to the very obvious fact that you happen to have one, and
that it happens, moreover, to be an exquisitely proportioned and admirably
shaped arse - an arse in a million, if you'll permit me to flatter the panties
off you in Logan's stead."
Greta blushed faintly and giggled in apparent confirmation of
her lover's estimation. "And are
you going to tell me to sport it this evening?" she joked.
"Certainly not!" he replied. "But the fact remains that I could do so
if I really wanted to, couldn't I? I
could even avail myself of the clysters if I thought an old-fashioned enema
would be of any sexual use to you? I
could spank or strap your behind until it was as red as an acutely embarrassed
or even angered face, like Eddie Hurst's.
I could even stand you on your head and stare down at your rear-end from
"You horrible bully!" Greta protested ironically.
"Well, of course, I won't do any of those things,"
Thurber declared, lowering his voice a little.
"For they would only bore or depress me. Yet the fact remains that I could get you to
do more or less anything I wanted, couldn't I?"
There was a modest silence on Greta's part.
"Couldn't I?" he repeated, almost threateningly.
"Hmm, I suppose so," she at last conceded. "Provided, however, that it didn't
unduly inconvenience me or cause me too much pain."
Thurber smiled his satisfaction - the satisfaction, one might
be forgiven for imagining, of a baby who had just received its dummy and was
now perfectly content with life.
"Yes, quite," he confirmed, nodding. "But the fact that you are prepared to obey most
of my orders is one of the things I particularly admire about you.... If, on
the other hand, you were as modest and prudish in private as you generally
aspire to being in public, I should never be able to stand you. But the contrast between your two selves -
the public-spirited lady and the private-sensuous whore - is exquisitely
endearing to me and rarely fails to arouse my desire. To think that the well-educated and
highly-cultured person who is discussing evolution and some kind of futuristic
millennium with a fanatically progressive novelist like Keith Logan, one hour,
also happens to be the highly seductive sensual creature who allows me to raise
her skirt and, hopefully, stimulate her clitoris the next - well, it's always a
source of amazement to me! To say that
we live in one world would indeed be a gross understatement!"
Greta listened in half-humorous resignation to the sordid
confessions which issued, in hyperbolic disarray, from the indiscreet mouth of
the somewhat wine-intoxicated art critic beside her, while his hand continued
to rove, as though by remote control, over her blue-stockinged thighs and even,
she could barely fail to notice, over parts of the more ample flesh above the
level where the stocking came to an abrupt end!
She had heard variations on this crazy theme before anyway, so they came
as no great surprise or revelation to her.
Had it not been for the fact that she knew exactly how Thurber's
paradoxical little mind worked, she wouldn't have taken the trouble to conform
to his specifications of the split personality, the lady/whore, in the first
place, but would have dressed in some other way - possibly with a more
flamboyant or sexy external appearance than tonight. But by now she was perfectly acquainted with
his needs, and thus in no doubt as to the best ways of satisfying them.
Not that she always made a point of dressing according to his
ambiguous requirements. For there were
days, fortunately to say, when she didn't see him or he her, times when it was
possible for her to return to a less formal appearance and even dispense with
the antithetical complement of sexy undies.
On such days - less frequent, alas, than formerly - she would simply
dress to please herself, whether that entailed a reversal of her customary role
or, alternatively, a complete negation of it in either a totally prim or a
totally seductive one-sidedness. But as
soon as it became known that Thurber would be visiting her or vice versa, back
would come the dual images he particularly admired. And, of course, he would take her out to
dinner, sport her around town, revel in her ladylike appearance and conduct,
her ennobling and educative turns of speech, the generally prim mien she was
under obligation to maintain as much as possible, especially at the concert
hall or theatre where, invariably, they would witness one of the more serious
and spiritually edifying performances or productions - a Beethoven concerto or
a Shakespeare tragedy, a Tchaikovsky symphony or an Ibsen indictment of
bourgeois convention. Finally, after a
decorous return-journey to either his or her flat, he would deprive her of her
outer garments, her ladylike persona, and, goaded-on by the tantalizing
spectacle of what lay seductively beneath, proceed to revel in the very
opposite qualities from those he had previously esteemed, dragging her through
the most excruciatingly carnal of sensuous abandonments, whispering and
sometimes fairly bellowing foul epithets or denigrating phrases into her tiny
ears, and behaving, in short, with all the undisguised relish of a full-blooded
satyr bent on completely dominating the object of its lust.
Oh yes, there could be no doubt as to the kind of relationship
Martin Thurber particularly liked, and, despite occasional lapses of conduct or
appearance, Greta had done her best to make sure he damn well got it! She had done her best tonight, at Hurst's
party, to play up to her public image of decorous lady, and now she would do
her best to let her hair down, as it were, and adopt the very opposite
role. It suited her to play along with
Thurber's demands, since she also profited from them. And even if, to a superficial eye, it might
appear rather constricting to dress in a specific way, according to the
aforementioned criteria, she knew from experience that there were numerous
possibilities to be exploited - possibilities which encompassed anything from
dark, tight-fitting knee-length skirts and dresses for the public image ... to
brightly coloured slips, panties, suspender belts, G-strings, and brassieres
for the private one. Once one had
mastered the basic rules of the game, in Koestlerian parlance, there was no
shortage of viable strategies! The very
fact that Thurber had been agreeably surprised by her all-pink attire was
sufficient proof of that!
"So now I begin to understand why you specifically invited
Keith Logan along to Hurst's party," Greta commented, after the
confessions from her companion had run their predictable course. "Simply because you knew him to be a
sober, serious-minded individual who would provide me with ample opportunity to
respond in an equally sober and serious-minded fashion. Now I have it!"
Thurber smiled defensively.
"That's only part of the truth," he conceded, continuing to
stroke and fondle her thigh as though she were no more than a lump of dough to
be kneaded into some sort of commercial shape prior to a pressing transaction.
"And were you pleased by the performance we gave
you?" she inquired of him.
"Yes, in general," he replied. "Though I was less than pleased by the fact
"Unlike you, who can only bring out the beast," Greta
quipped, simultaneously proffering him another of her playful slaps. "But, really, you could have told him
that I was your regular girlfriend or something. Had you done so, he might not have said what
he apparently revealed to you about me, when I was out of earshot."
"What, that you were attractive?" And all of a sudden Thurber began to blush,
and to a degree quite untypical of the man.
"Well, I soon let him know who you were once he had said it,"
he lied. "That shut him up! But I didn't really have time to introduce
him to you earlier, for Hurst took over the reins and introduced you to him
instead. And did so, moreover, in a
manner which would have made it difficult if not impossible for me to add
anything. Once the conversation about
abstract literature and then religious evolution got under way - well, I had no
option but to bear with it and leave you to reveal or explain yourself to him
as best you could. Which, to some extent,
you of course did."
Greta smiled her acknowledgement of this rather cryptic
statement and momentarily abandoned herself to picturing the novelist's face in
her mind's eye - seeing once again the dark-brown hair, smooth brow (rather
Nietzschean in its elevation, she thought, and obviously that of a highbrow),
gently aquiline nose, firm lips, and angular chin. She imagined him sitting next to her on the
settee instead of Thurber, imagined his hand on her leg and his breath on her
hair. Would he be as good at loving her
as at lecturing her about evolution and the coming post-human millennium, she
wondered? Curiously there was no reason
to suppose the contrary, not if he really found her attractive and was as
romantically disposed as his handsome appearance might have led one to
suppose. Yet if he didn't have a wife or
even ... no, there was no point indulging in idle conjectures about him. Better to concentrate on what lay to-hand
than to imagine greater and probably illusory pleasures elsewhere. At least Thurber could be depended upon to come
to the point eventually, even if he did have a rather strange way of going
about it.
She abandoned her little erotic reverie and returned to the
real world, to the face and hands of the art critic with whom she had shared
most of her body and a good part of her mind in unbroken fidelity these past
eight months. She could tell that he was
gradually coming to the point, gradually extending his caresses beyond the
confines of her thigh and the sartorial barriers of her public modesty. But not yet, alas, had he arrived at that
point, preliminary to the ultimate one, where he was fully committed to her
body and conscious of nothing else!
There was still something which made it necessary for him to draw out
his petting as long as possible. Perhaps
all the wine he had drunk at Hurst's party had had a depressing rather than an
uplifting effect on him, and thus reduced his desire for carnal pleasure? Knowing him to be the possessor of a high
metabolism, she needn't be surprised.
Yet, despite her slight impatience with the course of events, she was
still somewhat intrigued about the novelist and curious, in her sly way, to
find out more about him.
"So who did you introduce Keith to after our little group
broke up?" she nonchalantly inquired of her lover.
Thurber looked surprised.
"Didn't you see?" he exclaimed.
"I was too busy talking with Yvette," she confessed.
"Oh, well, as a matter of fact I was on the point of
introducing him to Colin Patmore when Paul Fleshman came wandering over and
thrust himself upon us," the art critic explained. "He wanted to talk, curiously, about his
latest exhibition at the Fairborne Gallery, and hoped that, if I was intending
to review it for Hurst, I would find something encouraging to say about
it. Naturally, I assured him that I'd do
my best to comply with his wishes, since he's an old pal of mine. But that doesn't mean to say I'll
automatically turn a blind eye to anything I particularly dislike. He knows from experience how I generally tend
to respond to his work anyway."
"And what, if anything, did Keith Logan have to say to
him?" Greta asked.
"For once, believe it or not, I did most of the
talking," Thurber answered, "so he didn't overtax his voice. Other than being keen to discover what kind
of an artist Fleshman was, he contented himself with listening to what we had
to say to each other and savouring the taste of his beer. As it happened, he was rather relieved to
learn that Fleshman's art is mostly abstract, and duly accepted an invitation
to attend the exhibition with me next week, when it opens. It should be interesting to hear what he has
to say about it - assuming he'll turn up."
"Hmm, so it should," Greta murmured and, with a
sudden impatience for the subject of art, she nestled-up still closer to Thurber
and ran her hand through his wiry hair, thereupon causing him to renew his
assault upon her modesty with greater resolve than before. It was now becoming increasingly apparent to
her that he was approaching that point where parties, novelists, artists,
exhibitions, and art criticisms counted as nothing, and only the lure of her
flesh mattered. In another minute she
would find herself deprived of even the last rather flirtatious vestiges of her
modesty, as he tore the remaining clothes from her and forcibly, almost
brutally, thrust himself upon her in a frenzy of obsessive carnality. She would have ceased to be the decorous lady
and become, instead, the indecorous whore - to her considerable relief!