There is a strong argument for assuming that I am such a man, and it derives in large part from the quality of my religious writings, as evidenced, in particular, by those appertaining to my philosophical literature.  I'm not a crank to imagine myself literally Jesus Christ come down from Heaven, or anything of the sort!  If I loosely correspond to a Second Coming, a Messianic equivalent, it's because people will discover that the best of my writings pave the way for a new, higher religious orientation, and that I may well qualify as the next saviour in the line of evolutionary ascent, so to speak, after Christ for the Western peoples and, indeed, the world at large, insofar as Buddha, Mohammed, and other such religious leaders were approximately equivalent to Christ, and could only be superseded on terms identical to my own.

     I'm not by nature a vain person but a truthful one, and so I wouldn't hesitate to consider the possibility of my being the new and, in some sense, ultimate religious leader, if my work seemed to indicate as much.  After all, I'm well qualified to step into the role of messiah, since, as the reader will have learnt, I have never made love to a woman but lived in celibacy since the dawn of puberty.  Anyone who approximates to a Second Coming is unlikely to be a lecherous individual, with a known record of sexual indulgence behind him!  I do not say that I have enjoyed my celibacy, much less the solitude that goes with it, but circumstances, ethnic and otherwise, have conspired to force them upon me and the outcome, like it or not, has been a succession of literary works of unprecedented spiritual insight and achievement - works, in all probability, which wouldn't have been possible under any other terms!

     Well then, the work is done, or nearly so [I was wildly off the mark here in 1982], and if it's ever to be read in the future, people will be obliged to admit, as they now admit about Nietzsche, that its author was an exceptional individual who evidently lived under most unusual circumstances.  Whether or not his subsequent life deviated from those circumstances to any extent ... wouldn't affect the quality of the work already done, which should correspond to the status of Messianic teachings, as relative to a Second Coming equivalent.  That the 'new Christ' began as a saint and gradually became a sinner ... would not, were that to actually transpire, amount to a condemnation or refutation of his work in an age as de-mystified as this, when no-one can reasonably be expected to be superhuman or divine.  I don't know whether or not I shall have the luck to find a suitable woman, but I doubt that I would remain celibate just for the sake of bolstering my Messianic status.  The depression I live with is surely a sufficient argument against that!

     And yet, if I remain poor because my work, necessarily radical, is unlikely to find a large following in my own lifetime, then the chances of celibacy remaining my fate are pretty high, and my Messianic reputation will doubtless receive a posthumous boost in consequence.  Whether I could in fact now acquire a woman, even if I were in a position to do so, is itself a debatable point, since my past conditioning and moral intelligence combine to make me a pretty spiritual individual whose spirituality may well intrude between his sensual interests and his human integrity.  One does not, of course, know everything about oneself, no matter how introspective one may happen to be.  Moods change, and so too, from time to time, do circumstances.  It is better, I think, to keep an open mind.

     But if my celibacy partly qualifies me to step into the role of a new messiah, then so, too does the fact that I don't smoke or drink, and have not done so for several years.  Neither do I eat more than I need to survive, since copious or expensive food would be beyond my pocket, and I'm obliged, in consequence, to limit myself to frugal take-always.  My sleep is light and, as a rule, fairly brief.  I doubt that I ever get more than 4-5 hours sleep a night and I have never slept during the day, finding it impossible to do so.  I have lived for a number of years in north London, cut off to a considerable extent from regular contact with sensuous nature.  The most I get is an occasional stroll through the local park, but that is a far cry from the country!

     So there are, besides my writings, a number of reasons why I'm highly qualified to correspond to a Second Coming and be equated with a new messiah, destined to supplant the Christian one, with the termination of humanistic civilization and the inception of post-humanistic civilization.  The age would seem to be ripe for the return of a major spiritual leader, even though the old civilization has yet to end and the new one to officially begin.  That the former civilization will reject my teachings ... I don't doubt.  But, then, not every Western country is fully aligned with it, least of all Ireland, which, if justice is to be done, should provide the base for the inception of post-humanistic civilization in due course.  If the Irish are genuinely religious-minded, then they will be the most suitable historic choice for such an honour.  For I was born in Ireland of predominantly Irish parents and have since dedicated my teachings to the Irish people.  I cannot, in all honesty, dedicate them to the monarchic English, who are rooted in the vanity of power, and whose only official desire is to sustain humanistic civilization for as long as possible.