



Montaigne - A Biography: Donald M. Frame

*Three Decades of Criticism - Critical Essays on the life and works of Henry Miller: Edited by Edward B. Mitchell

*The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde

L'Étranger (In French): Albert Camus

Outcries and Asides: J.B. Priestley

The Moments and Other Pieces: J.B. Priestley

*My Belief: Hermann Hesse

In Praise of Idleness: Bertrand Russell

*The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell

*The World as Will and Idea (Vol.III): Arthur Schopenhauer

Hermann Hesse (The man who sought and found himself) -

A Biography: Walter Sorell

A Tale of a Tub and Other Satires: Jonathan Swift





The Books in my Life: Henry Miller

*The World as Will and Idea (Vol.II): Arthur Schopenhauer

A Treatise of Human Nature: David Hume

Delight: J.B. Priestley

*If the War Goes On: Hermann Hesse

The Modern Textbook of Astrology: Margaret E. Hone

The Planets and Human Behaviour: Jeff Mayo

The Black Book: Lawrence Durrell

Bird in the Bush (Obvious Essays): Kenneth Rexroth

Hesse - A Collection of Critical Essays: Edited by Theodore Ziolkowski

*The Portable Jung: Edited by Joseph Campbell

The Wisdom of the Heart: Henry Miller

Imagination: Jean-Paul Sartre

The Rexroth Reader: Edited by Eric Mottram





*Fragments of a Journal: Eugene Ionesco

*The Maxims of La Rochefoucauld

Mythologies: Roland Barthes

*Jung and the Story of Our Time: Laurens van der Post

*Psychological Reflections: Carl Jung

Francis Bacon: Edited by Arthur Johnston

A Dictionary of Platitudes: Gustave Flaubert

The Persian Letters: Montesquieu

Plays Vol.5: Eugene Ionesco

James Joyce - The Undiscovered Country: Bernard Benstock

Plays Vol.7: Eugene Ionesco

*The Way of Individuation: Jolande Jacobi

Poesies: Lautréamont

On Living in a Revolution: Julian Huxley





*Nietzsche - A biographical introduction by Janko Lavrin

Victoria: Knut Hamsun

Finnegans Wake: James Joyce

*Youthful Writings: Albert Camus

Collected Plays: Albert Camus

*Maldoror: Lautréamont

*Literary Essays: Ezra Pound

*Wandering: Hermann Hesse

Camus - A Collection of Critical Essays: Edited by Germaine Brée

A Season in Hell & The Illuminations: Arthur Rimbaud

*Selected Prose 1909-1965: Ezra Pound

*Madame Bovary: Gustave Flaubert

The Trial: Franz Kafka

Selections from Les Amours Jaunes: Corbière

The Complete Works of Francois Villon

The Cantos of Ezra Pound





*Sentimental Education: Gustave Flaubert

* Bas (Down There): J.K. Huysmans

Stories of Five Decades: Hermann Hesse

Guide to Kulchur: Ezra Pound

The Roaring Queen: Wyndham Lewis

*Against the Grain (À Rebours): J.K. Huysmans

Marius, the Epicurean: Walter Pater

Melmoth the Wanderer (Vol.1): Maturin

On the Eve: Turgenev

*The Anti-Philosophers: R.J. White

*Sex and Marriage: Havelock Ellis

Bouvard and Pecuchet: Gustave Flaubert

*The Red Room: August Strindberg

*Diderot's Selected Writings: Edited by Lester G. Crocker

*The Human Situation: Aldous Huxley





*The Murder of Christ: Wilhelm Reich

*The Decline of the West: Oswald Spengler

Getting Married: August Strindberg

*The Hour of Decision: Oswald Spengler

The Betrothed: Manzoni

*Janus (A Summing Up): Arthur Koestler

Faust: Goethe

Reich Speaks of Freud: Wilhelm Reich

Appearance and Reality: F.H. Bradley

*Understanding Philosophy: James K. Feibleman

Poems: Mallarmé

Behind the Mirror: Konrad Lorenz

*On Art (Collected Writings 1913-56): Wyndham Lewis

*Eyeless in Gaza: Aldous Huxley

Tractatus Logico Philosophicus: Ludwig Wittgenstein

Selected Writings: Charles S. Peirce

*The Call-Girls: Arthur Koestler

The Disinherited Mind: Erich Heller

Autobiography: John Cowper Powys





The Best Tales of Hoffman: E.T.A. Hoffman

*Locus Solus: Raymond Roussel

The Women at the Pump: Knut Hamsun

Magic, Science, and Civilization: J. Bronowski

Nietzsche - Imagery and Thought: Edited by M. Pasley

Bel-Ami: Guy de Maupassant

The Waves: Virginia Woolf

*Phoenix - the Posthumous Papers of D.H. Lawrence

John Christopher (Vol.1): Romain Rolland

*Darkness at Noon: Arthur Koestler

*Hidden Faces: Salvador Dali

*Things Past: Malcolm Muggeridge

Dinner in Town: Claude Mauriac

The Decameron: Giovanni Boccaccio

*Men and Technics: Oswald Spengler

Tread Softly for you Tread on my Jokes: Malcolm Muggeridge

*The Picture of Dorian Gray: Oscar Wilde





The Collected Fiction of Albert Camus

Doctor Pascal: Emile Zola

*Point Counter Point: Aldous Huxley

*Drinkers of Infinity: Arthur Koestler

Uncle Silas: J.S. LeFanu

*The Evening Colonnade: Cyril Connolly

Songs of Innocence and of Experience: William Blake

Vile Bodies: Evelyn Waugh

*Time Must Have a Stop: Aldous Huxley

A Certain World: W.H. Auden

*Island: Aldous Huxley

Vico and Herder: Isaiah Berlin

Robert Schumann (The man and his music): Edited by Alan Walker

Hermann Hesse - Life and Art: Joseph Mileck

*After Many a Summer: Aldous Huxley

A Love Affair: Emile Zola

Moulin Rouge: Pierre La Mure





*Interpretations and Forecasts: Lewis Mumford

The Man who would be God: Haakon Chevalier

*Those Barren Leaves: Aldous Huxley

The Myth of the Machine: Lewis Mumford

*Letters of Aldous Huxley: Edited by Grover Smith

*Two or Three Graces: Aldous Huxley

*Crome Yellow: Aldous Huxley

À Rebour (in French): J.K. Huysmans

*Secret Journal & other writings: Pierre Dreiu La Rochelle

Golden Codgers: Richard Ellmann

Collected Early Poems: Ezra Pound

Manhood: Michel Leiris

*Ape and Essence: Aldous Huxley

*Mortal Coils: Aldous Huxley

Wuthering Heights: Emily Brontë

Coleridge - Selected Poetry, Prose, and Letters: Edited by Stephen Potter





*The Act of Creation: Arthur Koestler

*The Unquiet Grave: Palinurus (alias Cyril Connolly)

The Man Within: Graham Greene

Scarlet and Black: Stendhal

*Lady Chatterley's Lover: D.H. Lawrence

Morwyn (or the Vengeance of God): John Cowper Powys

*Enemies of Promise: Cyril Connolly

*What is Art and Essays on Art: Leo Tolstoy

Aspects of the Novel: E.M. Forster

*Collected Short Stories: Aldous Huxley

*Do What You Will: Aldous Huxley

*Aldous Huxley - A Critical Study by John Atkins

Wisdom of the West: Bertrand Russell

Swann's Way (Part One): Marcel Proust

La Nouvelle Heloïse: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

In a Valley of this Restless Mind: Malcolm Muggeridge

Journey to the East: Hermann Hesse

Chateau Bonheur: Philippe Jullian

Rodmoor: John Cowper Powys





Aldous Huxley: Keith May

*Over the Long High Wall: J.B. Priestley

Lovestyles: John Alan Lee

White Nights: Dostoyevsky

The Really Interesting Question and Other Papers: Lytton Strachey

*Strange Powers: Colin Wilson

*Dawn and the Darkest Hour - A Study of Aldous Huxley: George Woodcock

Selected Critical Writings of George Santayana

The First and Last Freedom: J. Krishnamurti

The Turn of the Screw & The Aspern Papers: Henry James

The Novels of Thomas Love Peacock (Vol.2): Edited by David Garnett

Thomas de Quincey: Edited by Bonay Dobrée

Aldous Huxley - The Critical Heritage: Edited by Donald Watt

Pornography Without Prejudice: G.L. Simons





*Pleasures and Regrets: Marcel Proust

*Women in Love: D.H. Lawrence

The White Notebook: André Gide

The End of Philosophy: Martin Heidegger

Topology of a Phantom City: Alain Robbe-Grillet

The Collectors: Philippe Jullian

*Art and Technics: Lewis Mumford

*Aldous Huxley - Satire and Structure: Jerome Meckier

Mrs Dalloway: Virginia Woolf

News From Nowhere: William Morris

Agents and Patients: Anthony Powell

*Mr Norris Changes Trains: Christopher Isherwood

*Aldous Huxley (A Memorial Volume): Edited by Julian Huxley

*This Timeless Moment: Laura Archera Huxley

Remember to Remember: Henry Miller

The Artist's Journey into the Interior and Other Essays: Erich Heller

Particular Pleasures - J.B. Priestley





Koestler: Wolfe Mays

*Kangaroo: D.H. Lawrence

*Men of Mystery: Edited by Colin Wilson

*Life After Death - Contributions by Arnold Toynbee, Arthur Koestler, and others.

Martinu: Brian Large

The Atlas of Medieval Man: Colin Platt

At the Sign of the Reine Pedauque: Anatole France

*Brave New World: Aldous Huxley

Kindred by Choice: Goethe

*And Again?: Sean O'Faolain

Experiences: Arnold Toynbee

*Philosophical Dictionary: Voltaire

Lovers in Art: G.S. Whittet

*The Plumed Serpent: D.H. Lawrence

*Texts and Pretexts: Aldous Huxley

Selected Stories of Sean O'Faolain

Word and Image: C.G. Jung

Jude the Obscure: Thomas Hardy

Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes





*Art and Society: Herbert Read

*Doctor Faustus: Thomas Mann

*Civilization: Kenneth Clark

*Beyond the Mexique Bay: Aldous Huxley

*A Meeting by the River: Christopher Isherwood

German Romantics in Context: Roger Cardinal

*The Romantic Rebellion: Kenneth Clark

Treasure Keepers: John FitzMaurice Mills

French Surrealism (Vol.1): Anton Artaud

The Conquest of Bread: Peter Kropotkin

An Idealist View of Life: S. Radhakrishnan

*Confessions of Felix Krull: Thomas Mann

The Marquise of O & other stories: Heinrich Von Kleist

*A Dictionary of Common Fallacies: Philip Ward

The Egoist: George Meredith

*Dreamers of Decadence: Philippe Jullian

*Landscape into Art: Kenneth Clark

Twilight in Italy: D.H. Lawrence

Dublin in the age of W.B. Yeats and James Joyce: Richard M. Kain

*Aldous Huxley: Philip Thody





Stories of a Lifetime (Vol.1): Thomas Mann

The World of Sex: Henry Miller

*Surrealist Art: Sarane Alexandrian

Northanger Abbey: Jane Austen

*Hours in the Garden: Hermann Hesse

Buddenbrooks: Thomas Mann

*Movements in Art since 1945: Edward Lucie-Smith

*Art in the Nineteenth Century: A.M. Vogt

*Aldous Huxley - A Biography Vol.I: Sybil Bedford

Art Nouveau: Translated by Elizabeth Evans

The Cult of Sincerity: Herbert Read

Essays in Aesthetics: Jean-Paul Sartre

The Thirties and After: Stephen Spender

*Aldous Huxley - A Biography Vol.II: Sybil Bedford

*The Nude: Kenneth Clark

Meditation: Alan Watts

*Art of the Twentieth Century: Maurice Besant

Christopher Isherwood - A Critical Biography: Brian Finney

The Symbolic Meaning: D.H. Lawrence

*An Introduction to Rembrandt: Kenneth Clark

The Genius of the Future: Anita Brookner





Psycho-Yoga: Dr B. Edwin

Klingsor's Last Summer: Hermann Hesse

*Another Part of the Wood (A Self Portrait): Kenneth Clark

Realism, Naturalism, and Symbolism: R.N. Stromberg

*Art and Act: Peter Gay

Baroque Painting: Philippe Daudy

*History of German Art: G. Lindemann

Try Anything Once: Raymond Mortimer

The Bloomsbury Group: Edited by S.P. Rosenbaum

*Mondrian: Frank Elgar

*Op Art: D.C. Barrett

*Animals and Man: Kenneth Clark

*Antic Hay: Aldous Huxley

*The World in the Evening: Christopher Isherwood

*The Devils of Loudun: Aldous Huxley

Modern English Painters: John Rothenstein

*Art and the Future: Douglas Davis

The J. Paul Getty Museum: Various contributors

Science & Technology in Art: Jonathan Benthall

*Activation of Energy: Teilhard de Chardin

Baroque: John Rupert Martin





Unofficial Art from the Soviet Union: Igor Golomshtok and Alexander Glezer

Let Me Explain: Teilhard de Chardin

*Modern European Art: Alan Bowness

Selected Essays 1934-43: Simone Weil

Exhumations: Christopher Isherwood

*Principles of Art History: Heinrich Wolfflin

What is a Masterpiece: Kenneth Clark

*The Other Half: Kenneth Clark

*Livia or Buried Alive: Lawrence Durrell

*The Transformations of Man: Lewis Mumford

*Progress in Art: Suzi Gablik

Understanding Art: Betty Churcher

*Monsieur: Lawrence Durrell

*Nunquam: Lawrence Durrell

*Enemy Salvoes: Wyndham Lewis

Teilhard de Chardin: L'abbé Paul Grenet

*Visual Aesthetics: J.J. de Lucio-Meyer

The Best of Antrobus: Lawrence Durrell





*Clea: Lawrence Durrell

Lawrence Durrell & Henry Miller - A Private Correspondence

The Next Development in Man: L.L. Whyte

*Foundations of European Art: P.A. Tomory

de Stijl: Hans L.C. Jaffe

*Tunc: Lawrence Durrell

*Reflections on a Marine Venus: Lawrence Durrell

The Urban Prospect: Lewis Mumford

*Baroque and Rococo: Germain Bazin

*Living Architecture - Baroque: Pierre Charpentrat

World Architecture: William George

Russian Art: Tamara Talbot Rice

The Arts of Spain: Jose Gudiol

William Morris and his world: Ian Bradley

*Architecture: David Jacobs

*Brandy of the Damned: Colin Wilson

The High Renaissance & Mannerism: Linda Murray

Graphic Art of the Eighteenth Century: Jean Adhemar

*Turning East: Harvey Cox

English Architecture: James Steven Curl

*The New Sobriety - Art & Politics in the Weimar Period: John Willett





*Art and Revolution: John Berger

*The Visual Arts (Taste & Criticism): David Irwin

*Modern Music - A concise history of: Paul Griffiths

*Moscow - An Architectural History: Kathleen Benton

*The English Country House: Olive Cook

Beyond Modern Sculpture: Jack Burnham

*Selected Poems: Baudelaire

Baudelaire - Man of His Time: L.B. Hyslop

Mies Van der Rohe: Werner Blaser

Borromini: Anthony Blunt

Building in the USSR 1917-32: O.A. Shvidkovsky

Art - the way it is: John Adkins Richardson

Dali: Jacques Dopagne

*The Age of Longing: Arthur Koestler

Twentieth Century Music - A Dictionary of Terms: R. Frink & R. Ricci

*Paris 1900-1914 - The Miraculous Years: Nigel Gosling

*Arrival and Departure: Arthur Koestler

*The Aristos: John Fowles





*Sartre in the Seventies: Jean-Paul Sartre

The Arts Betrayed: John Smith

The Book of Buildings: Richard Reid

Sculpture Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Fred Licht

The Englishness of English Art: N. Pevsner

*The Tenth Muse: Herbert Read

Futurism: Caroline Tisdall and Angelo Bozzolla

*Russian Thinkers: Isaiah Berlin

Hall's Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art: Introduction by Kenneth Clark

*Bricks to Babel - Selected Writings: Arthur Koestler

Fathers and Children: Turgenev

The Gladiators: Arthur Koestler

*Life of J.M. Murray: F.A. Lea

Irish Identity and the Literary Revival: G.T. Watson

*Social Radicalism and the Arts: D.D. Egbert

*Spirit of Place: Lawrence Durrell

Lectures on Philosophy: Simone Weil

The Thirteenth Tribe: Arthur Koestler





The Invisible Writing: Arthur Koestler

*Malcolm Muggeridge - A Life: Ian Hunter

Marx: Peter Singer

*Marquis de Sade - Selected Letters: Edited by G. Lely

Sade/Fourier/Loyala: Roland Barthes

Marx's Paris Writings - An Analysis: John Maguire

*Savage Ruskin: Patrick Connor

*Voyage to a Beginning - An Autobiography: Colin Wilson

*The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali - As told by André Parinaud

*Moksha: Aldous Huxley

Politicians, Socialism & Historians: A.J.P. Taylor

French & English: Richard Faber

Personal Impressions: Isaiah Berlin

The Collected Poetry of Aldous Huxley

*Ends and Means: Aldous Huxley

*Faces of Modernity: Matei Calinescu

What is Surrealism?: André Breton

Hidden Faces - Salvador Dali (Re-read)





The Cubist Epoch: Douglas Cooper

*The Revolt of the Masses: Ortega y Gasset

Brave New World Revisited: Aldous Huxley

World Crisis - Essays in Revolutionary Socialism: Edited by Nigel Harris & John Palmer

*The Life and Death of Lenin: Robert Payne

*Montmartre: Philippe Jullian

After the Wake: Christopher Butler

*Arthur Koestler: John Atkins

Leonardo da Vinci: Maurice Rowden

*Ireland - A History: Robert Kee

La Vie Parisienne: Joanna Richardson

An Historian's Approach to Religion: Arnold J. Toynbee

The War Lords: A.J.P. Taylor

*Stalin - the Man & His Era: Adam B. Ulam

A Concise History of Ireland: Maire & Conor Cruise O'Brian

The Genius of Shaw: Edited by Michael Holroyd

Strangers to England - Immigrants to England 1100-1945: Colin Nicholson





Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union: Jane Kerr

*Sicilian Carousel: Lawrence Durrell

Dublin 1916: Roger McHugh

*Daniel O'Connell & his world: R. Dudley Edwards

A Map History of the Modern World: Brian Catchpole

Eamon de Valera: T. Ryle Dwyer

*Muggeridge Ancient and Modern: Malcolm Muggeridge

*Khrushchev - The Years in Power: Roy A. Medvedev and Zhores A. Medvedev

English Architecture: J.M. Richards

Great Cities of the World: Nicholas Wright

*On Literature and Art: Lenin

*The Promise of the Coming Dark Age: L.S. Stavrianos

*Lawrence Durrell - A Study: G.S. Fraser

Russia - The People & the Power: R.G. Kaiser

An Irish Camera: George Morrison

Prussian Nights: Alexander Solzhenitsyn

*The Marble Foot (Autobiography 1905-38): Peter Quennell

*Belle Epoque: Raymond Rudorff