



*Twentieth Century History: Tony Howarth

Bonaparte: Correlli Barnett

*Treasury of Australian Kitsche: Barry Humphries

*Chronicles of Wasted Time Vol.2 - The Infernal Grove: Malcolm Muggeridge

*The Wanton Chase (Autobiography from 1939): Peter Quennell

*An Historical Guide to Florence: John W. Higson, Jr.

The Chinese: David Bonavia

Ottoline at Garsington - Memoires of Lady Ottoline Morrell

*A Concise History of Spain: Henry Kamen

*The Venetian Empire: Jan Morris

Southern Baroque Revisited: Sacheverell Sitwell

Rome - The World's Cities: Michael Gibson

Irish Lives: Share/Boler

Of Women & their Elegance: Norman Mailer

*Venice: Stephen Spender

The Glory of Amsterdam: A. Van der Heyden

Venice: Aubrey Menon

Baudelaire: Nicole Ward Jouvre





*Casanova: John Masters

The Art Institute of Chicago: John Maxon

*The Meaning of Hitler: Sebastian Haffner

*Venice - The Rise to Empire: John Julius Norwich

The 50's: Peter Lewis

*Lenin & The Bolsheviks: Adam B. Ulam

Paris: Martin Hurlimann

The Reformation: Edith Simon

Palaces of Venice: Peter Lauritzen and Alexander Ziekk

*Eccentric Spaces: Robert Harbison

Florentine Journal: Arnold Bennett

A History of American Painting: Matthew Baignell

*On Stalin and Stalinism: Roy A. Medvedev

The Unification of Italy: Christopher Leeds

Hermann Hesse - Pilgrim of Crisis: Ralph Freedman

The Heart of the Matter: Teilhard de Chardin

*Stalin as Revolutionary 1879-1929: Robert C. Tucker

*The Golden Honeycomb: Vincent Cronin

*d'Annunzio: Philippe Jullian

*Deliberate Regression: Robert Harbison





Vision & Design: Roger Fry

Abba Abba: Anthony Burgess

*Like It Was: Malcolm Muggeridge

Paris Was Yesterday, 1925-39: Janet Flanner

*The Mighty Continent: John Terraine

The Future of Man: Teilhard de Chardin

*Hitler's Table Talk 1941-44: Introduced by H.R. Trevor-Roper

*A Concise History of Italy: Vincent Cronin

Gustave Doré: Joanna Richardson

*Age of Apocalypse: Barry Jones

*Russia 1917-1964: J.N. Westwood

*The Making of Adolf Hitler: Eugene Davidson

*An Illustrated Cultural History of England: F.E. Halliday

Portrait of an Age: Erich Salomon

The Seventies: Christopher Booker

*The Age of Expansion 1848-1917: Marcus Cunliffe

*Bertrand Russell & his world: Ronald Clark

The Music of Man: Yehudi Menuhin & Curtis W. Davis





Goodbye To All That: Robert Graves

*Russia - the Post-War Years: Alexander Werth

Culture: Raymond Williams

Memoires: W.B. Yeats

*W.B. Yeats & his world: Michael MacLiammoir and Evan Boland

*A Concise History of India: Francis Watson

*Ireland in the War Years (1939-45): Joseph T. Carroll

*World Within World: Stephen Spender

*German Democracy & the Triumph of Hitler: Edited by Anthony Nicholls and Erich Matthais

Year One of the Russian Revolution: Victor Serge

About Russia: Henri Cartier-Bresson

Performing Arts: Edited by Michael Billington

*Princes & Artists: Hugh Trevor-Roper

Stalin as Warlord: Albert Seaton

*Testimony - The Memoires of Shostakovich: as Related to and Edited by Solomon Volkov

*The First World War: A.J.P. Taylor

W.H. Auden - A tribute edited by Stephen Spender

Ireland Observed: May Veber

Peadar O'Donnell: Michael McInerney





Collected Poems: Stephen Spender

*A Concise History of French Painting: Edward Lucie-Smith

My Works and Days: Lewis Mumford

*The Rediscovery of Ireland's Past - The Celtic Revival 1830-1930: Jeanne Sheehy

*Hitler - A Study in Personality and Politics: William Carr

*About Looking: John Berger

*Mussolini - the tragic women in his life: Vittorio Mussolini

A Concise History of Venetian Painting: John Steer

The Fall of Venice: Maurice Rowden

*The Man who created Hitler - Joseph Goebbels: Viktor Reimann

George Orwell - The Road to 1984: Peter Lewis

*The Thirties: Malcolm Muggeridge

Tito: Milovan Djilas

Portraits of Power: S.E. Ayling

Mussolini's Roman Empire: Denis Mack Smith

Oscar Wilde: H. Montgomery Hyde

*Ireland - A Terrible Beauty: Jill and Leon Uris

*Nietzsche - A Critical Life: Ronald Hayman

*The Imperial Age of Venice 1380-1580: D.S. Chambers

*The October Revolution: Roy Medvedev

*Hearts and Minds - Sartre & de Beauvoir: Axel Madsen





*Mussolini: Denis Mack Smith

A Fable of Modern Art: D. Ashton

Being and Nothingness: Jean-Paul Sartre

The Conspiracy Against Hitler: Harold C. Deutsch

*Ireland - from old photographs: Maurice Gorham

Christopher and His Kind: Christopher Isherwood

Theories of Modern Art: Herschell B. Chipp

*Stalin's Secret War: Nikolai Tolstoy

Tito: Fitzroy Maclean

*Spain Observed: Rodde and Affergan

*Lenin as Philosopher: Anton Pannekoek

Critical Essays: Roland Barthes

*Their Trade is Treachery: Chapman Pincher

On Socialist Democracy: Roy A. Medvedev

*Trotsky's Writings on Britain (Vol.1): Trotsky

*Reinhard Heydrich: G.S. Graber

*The Climate of Treason: Andrew Boyle

*Koestler - A Biography: Iain Hamilton

Country House Camera: Christopher Simon Sykes





Ourselves Alone: Robert Kee

*The Nazi Revolution: Snell and Mitchell

*My Silent War: Kim Philby

*The Murder of Rudolf Hess: Hugh Thomas

The Italian People: Massimo Salvadori

*The Secret of the Atomic Age: V.S. Alder

Crystal Night: R. Thalmann & E. Feinerman

The Two Faces of Russia: S. Johnson

*Adolf Hitler: John Toland

Mona Lisas: Mary Rose Storey

Chagall: Marie-Therese Souverbic

The Quest for Corvo: A.J.A. Symons

Memoirs of an Armchair: V. Trefusis & P. Jullian

*Prospero's Cell: Lawrence Durrell

Trotsky's Writings on Britain (Vol.3): Trotsky

Freud - A Man of His Century: Gunnar Brandell

Nine Lies About America: Arnold Beichman

*Kaleidoscope: Arthur Koestler

*Concepts and Categories: Isaiah Berlin

*Hess: R. Manvell & H. Fraenkel





Prokofiev: Lawrence & Elizabeth Hanson

*Critique of Modern Art: Frederich Solomon

*Hitler's War: David Irving

Camus - A Critical Study: Patrick McCarthy

*Ciano's Diary (1939-43): Edited with Introduction by Malcolm Muggeridge

The Thirties: Alan Jenkins

On Judaism: Martin Buber

*Literature and Western Man: J.B. Priestley

*Spandau, The Secret Diaries: Albert Speer

*Dans La Salle des Pas Perdus: Salacru

*Politics and Literature: Jean-Paul Sartre

*The Prime of Life: Simone de Beauvoir

*My Truth: Edda Mussolini Ciano

*Hitler's War Aims: Norman Rich

*Freud: Edited by Jonathan Miller

Knulp: Hermann Hesse

*The Redemption of the Robot: Herbert Read

Modern French Literature: Denis Saurat

History of Art in the Seventeenth Century: M. & R. Mainstone

*Yeats: Frank Tuohy

*Wolfe Tone: Henry Boylan





*The Hedgehog and the Fox: Isaiah Berlin

*The Russian Version of the Second World War: Edited by Graham Lyons

*Prophets Without Honour: Frederic V. Grunfeld

The Book of France: Edited by John Ardagh

The Perennial Philosophy: Aldous Huxley

*Eva and Adolf: Glenn Infield

*Venice - The Most Triumphant City: George Bull

History of Art: H.W. Janson

Invisible Threads: Yevgeny Yevtushenko

*Wittgenstein's Vienna: Allan Janik & Stephen Toulmin

The Philosophy of History: G.V.F. Hegel

*Arrow in the Blue: Arthur Koestler

*Israel: Chiam Bermant

*Moments of Vision: Kenneth Clark

Irish Neutrality and the USA 1939-47: T. Ryle Dwyer

*Joseph Stalin - Man and Legend: Ronald Hingley

*Atlas of the Holocaust: Martin Gilbert

*Hitler: Norman Stone

*Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Carl E. Schorske

Eye Witness (World Press Photos of 25 years): Harold Evans





The Third Mind: William S. Burroughs & Brion Gyson

*The Spy from Israel: Ben Dan

*And We are not Saved: David Wdowinsky

Italia, Italia: Peter Nichols

*Rain Upon Godshill: J.B. Priestley

Through Irish Eyes: Terence Prittie

The Kingdom: Robert Lacey

*Jerusalem: Teddy Kollek & Moshe Pearlman

*Constance (or Solitary Practices): Lawrence Durrell

A Dangerous Place: Daniel P. Moynihan

*The Goebbels Diaries 1939-41: Introduction J. Keegan

Recent History Atlas 1860-1960: Martin Gilbert

*Hitler - A Study in Tyranny: Alan Bullock

Israel: David Ben-Gurion

Siren Land: Norman Douglas

Acts of Union: Anthony Bailey

*Anti-Semite and Jew: Jean-Paul Sartre

The Cloud of Danger: George F. Kennan

*Final Conflict (The War in the Lebanon): John Bulloch

*The Six Day War: Moshe Dayan & Yitzhak Rabin

Whose Promised Land?: Colin Chapman





*Journal and Memoir: Cyril Connolly

*Belle de Jour: Louis Bunuel

Mahler: Kurt Blaukoph

*Hitler - A Film from Germany: Hans Jurgen Syberberg

The Wheat and the Chaff: Francois Mitterand

The Story of America: Louis Heren

Dialogue with Death: Arthur Koestler

Les Fleurs du Mal: Charles Baudelaire

*The Spy-Masters of Israel: Stewart Steven

The Greek Islands: Lawrence Durrell

Britain and the World in the Twentieth Century: G.K. Tull & P. Bulwer

Irish History and Culture: Edited by Harold Orel

*The Left Bank (Writers in Paris): Herbert Lottman

The Heel of Archilles: Arthur Koestler

*Hitler in Vienna 1907-13: J. Sydney Jones

Politics and Film: L. Furhammer & F. Isaksson

Curious Journey: K. Griffith & T. O'Grady

*Ben-Gurion: Michael Bar-Zohar

*Bormann: Jochen Von Lang

The Lebanese War: Harald Vocke





*Malraux: Axel Madsen

Histoires de la Nuit Parisienne: Louis Chevalier

*The Roots of Coincidence: Arthur Koestler

*The Crazy Years (Paris in the 20's): William Wiser

*The Novel Now: Anthony Burgess

*History: Robert Lowell

Robert Lowell's Poems - A Selection

*Antimemoirs: André Malraux

Eric Gill: Malcolm Yorke

*To Build the Promised Land: Gerald Kaufman

*The British Campaign in Ireland 1919-21: Charles Townshend

Modern Soviet Society: Basile Kerblay

*Jawaharlal Nehru: Sarvepalli Gopal

People's History and Socialist Theory: Edited by Raphael Samuel

*The Squandered Peace: John Vaizey

*De Gaulle: Bernard Ledwidge

Mailer: Hilary Mills

Beating Depression: Dr. John Rush





*Weimar: Walter Laqueur

Siegfried - The Nazi's Last Stand: Charles Whiting

*DeNazification: Constantine FitzGibbon

*Explaining Hitler's Germany: John Hiden

Rules of the Game: Nicholas Mosley

The Goering Testament: George Markstein

*Hitler's Mein Kampf: Adolf Hitler

The Art of Humanism: Kenneth Clark

Stalinism: Edited by G.R. Urban

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: Max Weber

*Justine: Lawrence Durrell

*Secret Intelligence in the Twentieth Century: Constantine FitzGibbon

*To Jerusalem and Back: Saul Bellow

*The Making of Modern Zionism: Shlomo Avineri

*Sam White's Paris: Sam White

*Sebastian: Lawrence Durrell

*Beard's Roman Women: Anthony Burgess

*Hitler's Secret Book: Adolf Hitler

*Twentieth-Century French Literature: Germaine Brée

*Earthly Powers: Anthony Burgess



AUGUST 1984 - JANUARY 1985


*The End of the World News: Anthony Burgess

The Style of the Twentieth Century: Bevis Hillier

The Flowering of Ireland: Katharine Scherman

*1985: Anthony Burgess

*Israel Observed: William Frankel

*Mantissa: John Fowles

*The Spanish Civil War: David Mitchell

*Ireland's Civil War: Carlton Younger

Selected Letters of James Joyce: Edited by Richard Ellmann

Enderby Outside: Anthony Burgess

Oscar Wilde - Interviews and Recollections (Vol.1)

The Magus: John Fowles

*The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: William L. Shirer

Collected Poems: Michael Hamburger

Charles Baudelaire: Walter Benjamin

*Vienna: Edward Crankshaw

*The Alexandria Quartet: Lawrence Durrell

*The Messiah and the Mandarins: Dennis Bloodworth

*De Valera and the Ulster Question 1917-73: John Bowman





*The Boss - C.J. Haughey in Government: Joe Joyce and Peter Murtagh

*Pieces and Pontifications: Norman Mailer

The New Apocrypha: John Sladek

*Hitler's Mistakes: Ronald Lewis

*South Africa - White Rule/Black Revolt: Ernst Harsch

The Tragedy of Lebanon: Jonathan Randal

Dialogue on Spain: Santiago Carrillo

*Force of Circumstance: Simone de Beauvoir

*Ultra Goes to War: Ronald Lewin

*Diaries 1918-39: Thomas Mann

*Rabin of Israel: Robert Slater

*Fascism: Dr. Paul Hayes

*Saint-Germain-des-Près: Paul Webster & Nicholas Powell

Journal of a Wife: Anais Nin

The Siege of Derry: Patrick Macrory

Critique of Dialectical Reason: Jean-Paul Sartre

les anneaux de Bicetre: Simenon

*The Uncivil Wars - Ireland Today: Padraig O'Malley

The Mass Psychology of Fascism: Wilhelm Reich

*The Irish Mind: Edited by Richard Kearney

*Malraux - Life & Work: Edited by Martine de Courcel





*1945 - The World We Fought For: Robert Kee

*Cyprus - Christopher Hitchens

The Twentieth Century: M.N. Duffy

Collected Poems 1947-80: Allen Ginsberg

*Albert Speer: Matthias Schmidt

*In the Ruins of the Reich: Douglas Botting

*Paddy's Lament: Thomas Gallagher

*Church & State: Desmond M. Clarke

Le Destin des Malou: Simenon

Memoirs of a dutiful daughter: Simone de Beauvoir

*Adieux - a farewell to Sartre: Simone de Beauvoir

*Sex, War and Fancies: Joseph Lehmann

*Sex and Race: J.A. Rogers

*Quinx: Lawrence Durrell

*Pornography: Andrea Dworkin

*The Age of de Valera: Joseph Lee/Gearoid O'Tuathaigh

*Recollections: Geoffrey Grigson

*Self Condemned: Wyndham Lewis

*Irish Nationalism: Sean Cronin

*On Literature and Art: Leon Trotsky

*Opus Pistorus: Henry Miller





*A Book of Booze: Colin Wilson

*The Course of Irish History: Edited by T.W. Moody & F.X. Martin

*The Revenge For Love: Wyndham Lewis

*Ireland - The Propaganda War: Liz Curtis

*Kenneth Clark: Meryle Secrest

The Leader and the Damned: Colin Forbes

*The State of the Nation: Desmond Fennell

*Letters to Anais Nin: Henry Miller

Days of Hope: André Malraux

*Always Merry and Bright - the Life of Henry Miller: Jay Martin

*War Diaries: Jean-Paul Sartre

*Camus - A Critical Study of His Life and World: Patrick McCarthy

Pink Triangle & Yellow Star: Gore Vidal

*Thomas Mann: Richard Winston

*The Art of the City: Peter Conrad

*Collected Poems 1931-74: Lawrence Durrell

Enderby's Dark Lady: Anthony Burgess



OCTOBER 1986 - APRIL 1987


*Journals 1939-83: Stephen Spender

*Literature & Society in Germany 1918-45: Ronald Taylor

*Jake's Thing: Kingsley Amis

*L.D. and the Alexandria Quartet: Alan Warren Friedman

*My Fight For Irish Freedom: Dan Breen

Advertisements for Myself: Norman Mailer

*Ending Up: Kingsley Amis

*Inside The Third Reich: Albert Speer

*Marriage & Morals: Bertrand Russell

*Stanley and the Women: Kingsley Amis

*Civilization in Transition: C.G. Jung

*Culture and Anarchy in Ireland 1890-1939: F.S.L. Lyons

More Letters of Oscar Wilde: Edited by Rupert Hart-Davis

*Homage to Catalonia: George Orwell

*Simone Weil - An Anthology: Edited and introduced by Sian Miles

*Falls Memories: Gerry Adams

*Spain - Dictatorship to Democracy: Raymond Carr and Juan Pablo Fusi

The Israeli Invasion of Lebanon: Yousuf Duhul

Orwell - The War Broadcasts: Edited by W.J. West

*A History of the Irish Working Class: Peter Beresford Ellis



MAY 1987 - APRIL 1988


Hitler's Rocket Sites: Philip Henshall

*The Philosophy of Schopenhauer: Bryan Magee

Hebdomeros: Giorgio de Chirico

*The Philosophy of Marx: William Leon McBride

*The World as Will and Representation (Vols. I & II): Arthur Schopenhauer

*Religion and the Rebel: Colin Wilson

Picture Palace: Malcolm Muggeridge

*Writing Against - A Biography of Sartre: Ronald Hayman

*A History of Western Philosophy: Bertrand Russell

*The Old Devils: Kingsley Amis

*The Ghost in the Machine: Arthur Koestler

*Blood and Soil - Walter Darré  & Hitler's Green Party: Anna Bramwell

*Goering - The 'Iron Man': R.J. Overy

Henry and June: Anais Nin

*Collected Short Stories: Kingsley Amis

*My Life with Dali: Amanda Lear





The Poetry of Surrealism: Michael Benedickt

Oscar Wilde: H. Montgomery Hyde

*Living With Koestler - Mamaine Koestler's Letters 1945-51: Edited by Celia Goodman

*Adonis and the Alphabet: Aldous Huxley

La Chute (in French): Albert Camus

*The Waking Giant - Soviet Union under Gorbachov: Martin Walker

Slowhand - The Story of Eric Clapton: Harry Shapiro

*The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre: Edited by Robert Denoon Cumming

*Marillion - The Script: Clive Gifford

*Orwell - The Transformation: Peter Stansky & William Abrahams

Yeats - The Man and the Masks: Richard Ellmann

Flaubert's Parrot: Julian Barnes

*All Said & Done: Simone de Beauvoir

*Human Society in Ethics and Politics: Bertrand Russell





Bruno's Dream: Iris Murdoch

*Irish Life in the Seventeenth Century: Edward Lysaght

*Selected Poems: Jules Supervielle

*The Kingdom of the Wicked: Anthony Burgess

Enigma - The Life of Knut Hamsun: Robert Ferguson

*Man of Nazareth: Anthony Burgess

Karl Jaspers Philosophy Vol.I: Translated by E.B. Ashton

The Greek Islands: E. Karpodini-Dimitriodi

Before I Forget: James Mason

*Mao and China: Stanley Karnow


Becoming and Being PREVIEW