1.   The more one is responsible to oneself the less one can be responsible to others.


2.   Conversely, the more one is responsible to others the less one can be responsible to oneself.


3.   Those who are responsible to themselves tend to be irresponsible to others, and vice versa.


4.   Responsibility to oneself is Christian; responsibility to others - heathen.


5.   The wise man is responsible to himself; the foolish man ... irresponsible to himself.


6.   The good woman is responsible to others; the evil woman ... irresponsible to others.


7.   In being irresponsible to himself the fool may well become responsible to others, and thus quasi-good.


8.   In being irresponsible to others the evil woman may well become responsible to herself, and thus quasi-wise.


9.   Since the genders are not, by nature, equal, it is illogical to speak of the desirability of equal responsibility, whether to oneself or to others.


10.  The subjectivity of the male sex ensures that, by and large, men are happier being responsible to themselves than responsible to others.


11.  Conversely, the objectivity of the female sex ensures that, by and large, women are happier or, at any rate, more resigned to being responsible to others than responsible to themselves.


12.  Accusations of irresponsibility (in not being responsible towards others) are more often levelled at men by women than vice versa.


13.  The wisest men will always be most responsible to themselves and least responsible to others.