1.   I have recently been reading Sartre's essay Existentialism and Humanism, with its subjective starting-point in the cogito, and in many respects it could be said that my philosophy is a continuation of existentialist humanism to the subjective ne plus ultra of Social Transcendentalism, wherein man transcends himself in ... God, not, be it noted, theistically, but deistically, in relation to transcendental meditation.


2.   For at the high-point of his evolution man becomes God; with Social Transcendentalism God is the ultimate Creation and outcome of evolution, not the Creator and power behind evolution.


3.   Thus instead of God being responsible for man, man is responsible for God; for God is a higher type of man, a man (whom I have called subman) who practises transcendental meditation.


4.   So what is truth? - Truth is about God.  And what is the truth about God? - Not only that God is, in any truly religious sense, the end rather than the beginning of things, but, more to the point, that God is but a means to the end ... of Heaven; that God is not an end-in-Himself but, on the contrary, someone (primary) and/or something (secondary) in need of redemption.  And for God, Heaven is precisely that redemption, whether in terms of the Holy Spirit for the Father (secondary God) or of the Holy Soul for the Son (primary God).


5.   But the metaphysical ego (self) of the Son-God can only achieve heavenly redemption for itself in the metaphysical soul via the metaphysical will (not-self) of the Father-God and the metaphysical spirit (not-self) of the Spirit-Heaven, the Holy Spirit the selflessness of which is but a means for the metaphysical ego of enhanced selfhood in the Holy Soul - one extreme duly leading to another as the self recoils from selflessness in relation to the spirit with a spring-like zeal the effect of which is to drive it more profoundly into self (as soul) than would otherwise be possible.


6.   Yet only until such time as, reverting to its egocentric fulcrum, the self plunges anew into not-self, ego into will, to be borne aloft, as before, on the wings of spirit, breath from lungs, in what amounts to a cyclic recurrence of self - not-self - not-self - self; ego -will - spirit - soul; Son - Father - Holy Spirit - Holy Soul ... for the duration of one's transcendental meditation.


7.   Yes, like Sartre, my starting-point is also subjective and my ending-point, no matter how briefly, an enhanced subjectivity.  But it is not simply that man transcends himself in God, although this can and does happen.  Rather is it a case of God transcending Himself in Heaven.  For God would be meaningless without Heaven, which is His - mine, your, our - Resurrection.


8.   God lives not for Himself, but for Heaven, wherein truth is transmuted into joy, ego into soul, wisdom into holiness, grace into peace - the peace that surpasses understanding, as the sublimity of joy surpasses the divinity of truth, the Heaven (resurrected Son) of metaphysical soul surpassing the God (unredeemed Son) of metaphysical ego.


9.   Social Transcendentalism points the way forward for those who, as submen, wish to be redeemed in the Heaven-of-Heavens.  It is the prerogative of man-become-subman not only to be God, but to achieve Heaven.