1.   Unless one is first atheist, one cannot be deist.  For being against theism is a precondition of being for deism and, hence, the God within.


2.   The atheist, who may also be deistic, is not only against monotheism; he is also opposed to polytheism and pantheism, those phenomenal offshoots of a noumenal 'Father'.


3.   In this respect it is perhaps ironic that it isn't the unnatural which stands apart from the natural, as fire from water, vegetation, and air, but the subnatural which stands apart from both the unnatural, corresponding to monotheism, and the supernatural and natural aspects, corresponding to polytheism and pantheism, of Nature.  For it is the subnatural which is both atheistic and, more importantly, deistic.


4.   Thus deistic metaphysics, corresponding to the subnatural, stands apart from both monotheistic metachemistry, corresponding to the unnatural, and polytheistic chemistry and pantheistic physics - the former corresponding to the supernatural and the latter to the natural, i.e. to vegetation as opposed to water.


5.   Only the airiness of atheistic deism transcends the vegetativeness of pantheism, and such airiness, corresponding to the metaphysical, is antithetical to that which, ever metachemical, is fundamental to the wateriness of polytheism, viz. the fieriness of monotheism.


6.   The genuinely religious person, who is bound to be metaphysical, will be atheistic.  Metachemical monotheism, chemical polytheism, and physical pantheism (the religion of Christ) will all be 'beneath the pale' of his metaphysical deism, the true nature (subnature) of genuine religion.


7.   That which is not genuine is false or pseudo, whether its nature be knowledgeable (and natural), strong (and supernatural), or, preceding Nature, beautiful (and unnatural).  Theism is the name of false religion, for all theistic religions are less than, if not contrary to, metaphysics.


8.   Monotheism, being metachemical in its fiery unnature, is religiously false through science; polytheism, being chemical in its watery supernature, is religiously false through politics; pantheism, being physical in its vegetative nature, is religiously false through economics. 


9.   Only atheism, which is metaphysical in its airy subnature, is religiously true; for it is deistic, and thus concerned not with knowledge, still less with strength or beauty, but solely with truth - the truth of God within or, more specifically, of the primary God within, Who is one with the egocentric self of the meditating subman, and Whose privilege is to be redeemed, via the secondary God and Heaven of the respiratory not-self and its spiritual emanation (the breath), in the primary Heaven of the Holy Soul, the essence of which is joy.


10.  Thus does a primary God (the metaphysical ego) achieve redemption for Himself in a primary Heaven (the metaphysical soul) via a secondary God (the metaphysical will) and a secondary Heaven (the metaphysical spirit) - the 'Son' achieving soulful resurrection for Himself via the 'Father' and the 'Holy Spirit', truth and joy via the lungs and the breath.  This is the ultimate significance, it seems to me, of the concept of the Son's resurrection; for 'God the Son' is nothing without 'Heaven the Holy Soul'.  Neither can this resurrection, this redemption, be achieved independently of 'God the Father' and 'Heaven the Holy Spirit'. 


11.  The secondary God and Heaven within, in the context of inner metaphysics, are but means for the primary God within to achieve the end ... of primary Heaven within.  The 'Father' and the 'Holy Spirit' are servants, in the not-self, of the 'Son', who is one with the self.


12.  This is what I teach.  You are 'God the Son' when you meditate, allowing the will of the lungs and the spirit of the breath to transport you from ego to soul, truth to joy, primary God to primary Heaven, in the peace that surpasses understanding, the contentment that transcends form.