1.   A metaphysically conscious self stretched in a superconscious direction by metaphysical spirit ... recoils to what, at the other extreme of universality from itself, one may call the subconscious, thereby achieving redemption.


2.   The self that, in metaphysical ego, was personal ... becomes, with the attainment of metaphysical soul, universal.


3.   In like manner, the metaphysical not-self ... of respiratory will attains to universality in metaphysical spirit, the Holy Spirit of (selfless) Heaven to which the self is drawn but from which it is fated to recoil in the interests not only of self-preservation, but of enhanced selfhood ... through the Holy Soul of Heaven.


4.   Thus both heavens - the secondary Heaven of the metaphysical spirit and the primary Heaven of the metaphysical soul, being holy, are universal.


5.   Conversely, both gods - the secondary God of the metaphysical will and the primary God of the metaphysical ego, being unredeemed, are personal.


6.   Redemption is always from the personal to the universal, as from power to glory in the case of the not-self, and from form to content(ment) in the case of the self.


7.   Giving is the redemption of doing, being the redemption of taking.


8.   Quantity is the redemption of appearance, essence the redemption of quality.


9.   The quantitative glory of molecular particles is the redemption of the apparent power of elemental particles; the essential contentment of elemental wavicles is the redemption of the qualitative form of molecular wavicles.


10.  I have long maintained that the proton in sensuality and the protino in sensibility is the element/elementino par excellence of metaphysics, as germane to the noumenal subjectivity of time-space evolution.


11.  For the proton/protino is at the core of the atom, and thus stands closest to that which, as the soul, is at the core of the self.


12.  In fact, it is inconceivable to me that the core of the self, the soul, could be anything but protonic in its metaphysical essence; for it is that which is deepest.