1.   If the proton/protino (in sensuality and sensibility) is the deepest element/elementino (in sensuality and sensibility) of the atom, the one lying at the core of the overall structure of atoms, then the photon/photino is arguably the shallowest, the one lying closest to its surface.


2.   In between, or intermediate between these elemental extremes, would lie the electron/electrino (and/or positron/positrino), and the neutron/neutrino (and/or deuteron/deuterino), like spirit and ego in between soul on the one hand, and will on the other.


3.   For it seems to me that the essential nature of protons/protinos, which lie at the core of the atom, merits a correlation with soul, while, conversely, the apparent nature of photons/photinos, lying furthest from the atom's core, warrants an equation with will, both of which could be said to flank, on an antithetical basis, anything so intermediate as electrons/electrinos and neutrons/neutrinos, with their respective correspondences to spirit and ego - electrons/electrinos being no less quantitative in their molecular particle collectivism ... than neutrons/neutrinos are qualitative, not least of all with regard to the collectivism of their molecular wavicles.


4.   Be that as it may, there is no doubt in my mind that the photon/photino is an element/elementino with an elemental particle appearance; that the electron/electrino (and/or positron/positrino) is an element/elementino with a molecular particle quantity or, rather, quantitativeness; that the neutron/neutrino (and/or deuteron/deuterino) is an element/elementino with a molecular wavicle quality or, rather, qualitativeness; and, last but hardly least, that the proton/protino is an element/elementino with an elemental wavicle essence, corresponding to soul.


5.   Thus the atom to which we are here referring could be said to proceed, in general terms, from the elemental particle appearance of photons/photinos to the elemental wavicle essence of protons/protinos via the molecular particle quantitativeness of electrons/electrinos and the molecular wavicle qualitativeness of neutrons/neutrinos, as from will to soul via spirit and ego.


6.   Conversely, it could be said to recede from the elemental wavicle essence of protons/protinos to the elemental particle appearance of photons/photinos via the molecular wavicle qualitativeness of neutrons/neutrinos and the molecular particle quantitativeness of electrons/electrinos, as from soul to will via ego and spirit, essence to appearance via quality and quantity.


7.   Whether this could be said of all atoms is of course a moot point, particularly since their atomic structure must vary according to the overall element with which they are associated, fire and water having a different atomic structure from vegetation and air, and each of these pairs of elements differing from one another.


8.   Now although one need not doubt that so basic and fundamental an entity as the atom will have a certain ascertainable structure, the ratio of subatomic components varies from one type of atom to another - fire exemplifying a predominance of elemental particles (and thus photons/photinos); water exemplifying a predominance of molecular particles (and thus electrons/electrinos); vegetation exemplifying a preponderance of molecular wavicles (and hence neutrons/neutrinos); and air exemplifying a preponderance of elemental wavicles (and hence protons/protinos).


9.   For how else to explain the distinctive characters of the elements except by reference to those underlining factors which, in their varying subatomic ratios, make for distinctions of appearance, quantity, quality, and essence, whatever the exact combination of elements/elementinos.


10.  Atoms combined into molecules is the basis of matter, but since matter varies enormously across a wide range of produce, both natural and artificial, it follows that the molecular composition of matter must vary proportionately to the nature of the product - some molecules having more of these types of atoms and less of those, others more of those and less of these, and so on, with correspondingly disparate ratios of elemental factors.


11.  I am not a scientist, nor do I have any ambitions to become one.  But I am convinced that matter without a soul, inanimate matter, including household products, must also, of necessity, lack a proton/protino core, being largely composed of, amongst other things, electrons/electrinos, neutrons/neutrinos, and, most conspicuously in the case of the more garish ones, photons/photinos.


12.  It is for this reason that religious people, whose special provenance is the soul, will avoid associating themselves with too much matter, after the fashion of materialists.  Rather will they strive to reduce materialism to a bare minimum, the better to cultivate the soul.  For no soul can thrive where there is too much inanimate matter, and therefore no genuine religion.  Only a sort of living death.