1.   There are four wisdoms - the wisdom of the heart, the womb, the brain, and the lungs.  Of these four wisdoms, or commitments to sensibility (inner sense), the wisdom of the lungs is the wisest.


2.   Conversely, there are four follies - the folly of the eyes, the tongue, the phallus (flesh), and the ears.  Of these four follies, or commitments to sensuality (outer sense), the folly of the eyes is the most foolish.


3.   Not everyone can be wise or foolish after a given fashion.  For certain types of wisdom and folly, being objective, are feminine, whereas other types of wisdom and folly, being subjective, are masculine.


4.   Both the wisdom of the heart and of the womb are objective - the former noumenally and the latter phenomenally.  Conversely, both the wisdom of the brain and of the lungs are subjective - the former phenomenally and the latter noumenally.


5.   Both the folly of the eyes and of the tongue are objective - the former noumenally and the latter phenomenally.  Conversely, both the folly of the phallus and of the ears are subjective - the former phenomenally and the latter noumenally.


6.   The lungs correspond, like the eyes, to Space, whereas the heart corresponds, like the ears, to Time.


7.   The brain corresponds, like the tongue, to Volume, whereas the womb corresponds, like the phallus, to Mass.


8.   The Space of sensuality is spatial, whereas the Space of sensibility is spaced.


9.   The Time of sensuality is sequential, whereas the Time of sensibility is repetitive.


10.  The Volume of sensuality is volumetric, whereas the Volume of sensibility is voluminous.


11.  The Mass of sensuality is massive, whereas the Mass of sensibility is massed.