1.   Salvation from the World, which is a Christian (nonconformist) ideal, does not exclude salvation of the World, that heathen (humanist) ideal, which is as germane, by and large, to women as the above-mentioned ideal to men, who stand to gain more from mind sensibility in Christ than from phallus sensuality in the Antichrist.  Nevertheless, salvation of the World is just as legitimate a mode of deliverance from sin (sensuality) as salvation from the World, and is of course achieved on the basis of womb sensibility, as that which, in humanism, appertains to the Mother replaces that which, in materialism, appertains to the Antimother, and hence to tongue sensuality.


2.   However, neither salvation described above has any bearing on God or Heaven, since whereas the one is worldly, the other is purgatorial, and thus no more than a phenomenal solution to the problem (from a sensible standpoint) of phenomenal sensuality/sin.  In fact, such salvations are specifically for those who, as average men and women, are broadly masculine or feminine.  The salvation that leads to the Holy Spirit of Heaven, by contrast, requires a noumenal precondition in the submasculine, since it is only from aural sensuality in the Davidian beast, as it were, of the Antispirit ... that one can rise towards the respiratory sensibility of the lungs and thereby achieve true divinity in the supermasculine, abandoning naturalism for transcendentalism, which is beyond noumenal sin in the most perfect grace, the metanoumenal grace of the ultimate sensibility!


3.   Just as salvation from the World is for those who relate, through Antichrist, to the Antipurgatory, as it were, of the phallus, so the salvation described above is for those who relate, through the Antispirit, to Antiheaven, the negative Heaven of the aural beast.  It could similarly be defined as salvation from Hell, since, conceived as the context of emotional sensibility, Hell profits no less from the aural attentions of Antiheaven than the maternal virtue of the World from the phallic attentions of Antipurgatory, wherein the Antichrist is enthroned.  Thus no less than Christianity allows, through nonconformism, for a salvation from the World, so true religion allows, through transcendentalism, for a salvation from Hell, which, like the World, will otherwise continue to profit at Antiheaven's and, ultimately, Heaven's expense.  Rejecting the emotional blandishments of Hell, which often take a musical guise, can only be achieved if one is sincerely determined to be saved to Heaven, thereby rising from the ears to the lungs, from the Antispirit (the Clear Fire of Time) to the Holy Spirit of Heaven, wherein there is nothing but Eternal Peace.


4.   Conversely, Hell only thrives, as a rule, at Antiheaven's expense, since music, the cultural embodiment of soul, needs a willing pair of ears if it is to be appreciated, just as, lower down in the phenomenal realm of the World, female beauty needs a willing phallus to achieve maternal fulfilment.  Hence Antiheaven is no less crucial to Hell's salvation (from the optical sensuality of Antihell) than Antipurgatory ... to the World's salvation (from the tongue-based sensuality of the Antiworld).  The question for both Antiheaven and Antipurgatory, and by implication those who effectively function in terms of the Antispirit and the Antichrist (Antimind), is whether to remain of use to Hell and the World respectively or whether, on the contrary, to seek their own respective salvations in Heaven and Purgatory, thereby ceasing to be of use to that which is morally antithetical to both.